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A Level PE Drugs in Sport.

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1 A Level PE Drugs in Sport

2 Elite performers may use illegal ergogenic aids and specialised training methods to improve performance. Explain the physiological reasons why an elite performer may use synthetic erythropoietin (EPO). (Total 2 marks) There is a temptation for performers to take drugs to enhance their sporting performance. Other than for the physiological benefits, outline the reasons sport performers take performance enhancing drugs. (Total 2 marks) Evaluate the reasons why elite athletes will resort to taking illegal performance enhancing drugs. (3 marks) Some performers break the rules and use banned substances to enhance their performance. Describe the physiological reasons why a performer may use anabolic steroids. (Total 3 marks) Elite sport involves trying to find the true physical potential of human beings. In 2013, American cyclist, Lance Armstrong, was found guilty of doping and was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles. Discuss the suggestion that doping is necessary at elite level. (Total 8 marks)

3 Erythropoietin

4 Anabolic Steroids

5 BetaBlockers

6 Why do performers take drugs?
Social Psychological

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