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Ecocriticism Study of environment in lit.

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1 Ecocriticism Study of environment in lit.
Cheryll Glotfelty in “The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in literary Ecology” points out that history law, sociology, religion, started greening since 1970’s. Literary studies appeared nonchalant- to environmental concerns. Glotfelty corrects – says ecologically informed criticism, theory existed through 60’s, 70’s. Lack of organization – Glotfelty Desperate need- fulfiled by forming ASLE (Association for the study of Lit and Environment 1992)

2 William Rueckert coined term in 19778.
Michael P. Branch, Scott slovic in ISLE Reader wrote a term to describe environmental implications of Lit texts. Glen A Love’s Practical Ecocriticism says ecocriticism – literary enquiry encompassing humna, non-human contexts. Greg Garrard’s “Ecocriticism” -says E. C. Study of relationship of human, non- human. Lawrence Buell’s The environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature writing and the formation of American culture says the non-human environment is present as a presence.

3 Suggests human history is implicated in natural history.
Human interest is part of text’s interest. Beginning – focus of Ecocriticism – too narrow. Umbrella term includes Nature writing Deepecology Ecology of cities Lit of toxicity Environmental justice Bioregionalism Lives of animals Revaluation of place, Interdisciplinary ecotheory

4 Includes unheard voices, reinterpretation of works of past.
Scott slovic – First president of ASLE argued – No single it work utterly defines ecological interpretation. Lawrence Buell ecohes the same view. Robert Kern’s essay “Ecocriticism: what is it Good for?”- says E. C. becomes interesting , useful. Kern takes Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice as (eg) and says it should be read in terms of orientation to environment.

5 Greg Garrard’s book Ecocriticism studies basic tenets i.e.,
Apocalypse Dwelling Animals Wildness Deepecology – demands return to egalitarian identification. Blames anthropocentric dualism of Humanity vs Nature. Basic theory of E.C: Joseph Meekar’s pioneer work The Comedy of Survival – considers Lit production important to human species. Lit should be examined to discover influence on human behaviour, natural environment.

6 Meeker coined term Literary Ecology
Meeker says comedy promotes healthy survival values Tragedy – Maladaptive. Lynn white Jr a historian says environmental crisis – matter of beliefs, values of science and technology. Christopher Manes uses Foucoult’s theories – says Nature remains silent in western discourse. Ecocriticism – connections with poststructuralist, post colonial theories science of ecology. Catrin Gersdory, sylvia mayer views EC – emerging paradigm. E. C includes category like Race, class, Gender. Explores Alientation of humans, erased roots of natural social life.

7 Revises anthropocentric culture.
Establishes connection with physics, cybernetics, systems theory. E. C. recycles, regenerates lit. texts. Mary Austin’s The Land of little Rain (1903) changed way people looked at deserts. Aldo Leopold’s A sand county Almanac (1949) asserts all species ‘ve biotic right. Rachel carson’s Silent Spring (1962) opened eyes of public to dangers of pesticides. Edward abbey’s Desert Solitare (1968) celebrates harsh beauty of desert landscape. Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinkercreak (1974) gace new direction to ecotheological studies.

8 Gary snyder’s Turtle Island (1974)- made cohesive statement of environment on
Social Political Aesthetic Personal Spiritual Cultural Barry Hopez’s Arctic Dreams (1986) questions place of Actic in human imagination. Modern environmentalism relies on pastoral, apocalypse Genesis, revelation, first and last books of Bible. Keats poem Labelle Dame Sansmerci emphasises magical power of woman with environment.

9 Richard Kerridge says E. C
Richard Kerridge says E. C. evaluates texts, ideas interms of coherence, usefulness or environmental crisis. Bacon’s The Advancement of Learning (1605) - founding text of modern scientific methodology. Carolyn Merchant wrote the death of Nature (1980), he reconstitutes nature as dead, passive, dominated by humans. Ecocritics remain suspicious of science of being objective, value free. According to Dana Phillips The Truth of Ecology (2003) Timothy Morton’s Ecology without nature (2007) views, E. C. as simplistic representation. Morton says nature writing escapes velocity from writing itself.

10 Pollution seeped into concern of
sylvia plath’s poetry brain (1998) Dicken’s Hardtimes (1854) Erin Brockovich (2000) Terry Tempest williams Refuge (1991) Anthony Lioi proposed swamp dragon as a symbol for dirt pollution. Robert Sullivan’s The Meadowlands explores wilderness of toxic waste dumps. Environmentalists- People wishing to maintain improve standard of living. Martin Lewis Green Delusions (1992) combines role of science, technology, government policy change with environment. Lewis’s Promethean promotes sible to protect nature. Richard North’s Life on a Modern Planet (1995) adopts modern, manifest for progress.

11 Referred Books Ecocriticism in practice – V. Sumathy. Ecocriticism by Greg Garrard (2nd Edition) Ecological criticism for our times Literature, Nature and critical Inquiry – Murali sivaramakrishnan, vijjwal Jana.


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