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Alfred Adler Neo-Freudian.

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1 Alfred Adler Neo-Freudian

2 Adler: 1870-1937 Individual Psychology
One of the first scientist to break from Freud. Background: extremely sickly as a child. He was able to overcome his illness/condition How is he deferent from Freud: Adler placed more emphasis on the importance of conscious. Sexual drives do NOT play a role in personality development.

3 Feelings of inferiority
During infancy/childhood/unconscious. Child is helpless and dependent on others. Medical/physical issues Feelings motivate people to compensate for their real or imagined weaknesses. Personality styles: Striving for Superiority= the desire to improve oneself, master challenges, and move toward self-perfection. “Driven” Inferiority complex= feelings of inferiority are excessive, general sense of inadequacy. Typically, unable to strive for master and self-improvement.

4 Some people overcompensate/feeling inferior
Superiority Complex: exaggerating one’s accomplishments/”one-up ya”, try really hard to cover up their weaknesses. Denying their limitations.

5 Birth Order First psychologist to study the topic
Important factors to consider when studying birth order: Spacing Total number of children Changing circumstances of the parents over time

6 Only child Birth views as a miracle
Retains 200% attention from both parents. Can be over-protected and/or spoiled Like to be the center of adult attention Prefers adult company Learn to depend on themselves

7 Firstborn “Dethroned by next child” Has to learn to share
Parents are new to parenting…try out parenting techniques on this child Parents expectations are high May become “de-facto mom/dad” to younger siblings Personality: Serious, conscientious, goal-oriented, organized, responsible, jealous, high-achieving, and competitive. Later in life….fear of losing top position(s)

8 Middleborn/second born
Have diverse range of personalities Habits motivated by the fact that they have never been truly in the spotlight Often have a sense of not fully belonging Fight to receive attention from parents/others For example, Tend to have fewer pictures in the family photo album/compared to first born May lack drive Natural mediators/avoid conflict/very loyal to friends, etc. Even-temper

9 Youngest/baby “entertainer of the family” Pampered more Hand me downs
Have several moms/dads Outgoing/charmer Never dethroned May become aggressive/manipulative if they perceive that others are being overbearing or bossy

10 Ghost Child Born after the death of a child…..miscarriage, stillborn, death of a child, etc. Living child has a “ghost” ahead of him/her Mother is very over protective/spoils the child. Child may exploit mother’s over protectiveness, may rebel, and may feel resentment because of the comparison to an idealized memory.

11 Adler’s Birth Order Chart

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