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Aims in teaching primary school geography

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1 Aims in teaching primary school geography
Core units: Key understandings Years F–4 Illustration 1: Pointers to understanding

2 What are we aiming at in teaching primary school geography
What are we aiming at in teaching primary school geography? How do we know when we achieve it?

3 Aim 1 Students develop a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and environments throughout the world

4 How do we know when we achieve Aim 1?
Students: find out information and want to share it are fascinated by particular places in the world respond to our enthusiasms, and develop their own

5 Aim 2 Students develop a deep geographical knowledge of their own locality, Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and the world

6 How do we know when we achieve Aim 2?
Students: want to know more about their place, their country and their planet show understanding of the relative scale of places exhibit understanding of relationships between their place and other places show understanding and appreciation of regional geographical diversity

7 Aim 3 Students develop the ability to think geographically, using geographical concepts: place space environment interconnection sustainability scale change

8 How do we know when we achieve Aim 3?
Students: demonstrate thinking about the reasons for patterns and features on the earth’s surface demonstrate thinking about the ways that humans and the physical environment are interconnected show feeling for other peoples and for sustaining the environment

9 Aim 4 Students develop the capacity to be competent, critical and creative users of geographical inquiry methods and skills

10 How do we know when we achieve Aim 4?
Students: show critical-thinking skills demonstrate self-directed inquiry work well with others in gathering and processing information

11 Aim 5 Students develop as informed, responsible and active citizens who can contribute to the development of an environmentally and economically sustainable, and socially just world

12 How do we know when we achieve Aim 5?
Students: link their information and knowledge to imagining future scenarios initiate and participate in individual and group actions articulate their opinions and beliefs related to their environment and society take on individual responsibilities to help their environment

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