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The 6 Characteristics of Living Things

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1 The 6 Characteristics of Living Things

2 6 Characteristics of living things:
1. Living things are made of cells. Cells are living material and can only come from other living cells.

3 2. All living things are composed of basically the same elements (chemicals):
Carbon - C Hydrogen - H Nitrogen - N Oxygen – O2

4 3. All living things use energy, which ultimately comes from the sun.

5 4. Living things respond to their environment/surroundings.
A stimulus is a change in ones environment or surroundings. That change can cause a response such as an action, movement, or change in behavior of the organism. And they…

6 Living things respond to their environment
…can move.

7 5. Living things grow and develop.
Living things grow in size, and become more complex.

8 6. Living things reproduce.
Living things give rise to the same type of living thing either: Sexually – requires two parents. Asexually – reproduce from one parent (bacteria & some plants).

9 In addition to the previous 6 characteristics all living things share, they also can:
…perform complex chemical activities, such as: Metabolism – chemical activities that break down substances (ie. food), releasing energy and other usable food substances. Ingestion – eating. Digestion – food broken down into more simple substances.

10 Living things can perform complex chemical activities, continued…
Respiration – living things combine oxygen with the products of digestion or photosynthesis to obtain energy. Excretion – eliminating waste materials.

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