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ARTICLE I Legislative Branch: THE CONGRESS.

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1 ARTICLE I Legislative Branch: THE CONGRESS

2 Congressional Sessions
Begin on January 3rd of odd numbered years Each term of Congress lasts 2 years 2 sessions Each session = 1 year Breaks for holidays Vote to adjourn President and his “Special Sessions”

3 House and Senate Representatives Senators 435 Members 100 members
Apportioned by population 25 years old 7 year citizen State resident 2 year term Elected even numbered years, Begin January 3rd Senators 100 members 2 per state 30 years old 9 year citizen State resident 6 year term Elections in even numbered years Begin January 3rd 1/3 of Senate runs every two years.

4 Assigning Representation
Census every ten years Reapportionment Reapportionment act of 1929 Redistricting: Responsibility of the STATES!

5 Apportionment of the House

6 Bad Gerry Elbridge Gerry Gerrymandering Baker V. Carr 1962
Courts can rule on legislative apportionment Wesberry Vs Sanders 1963 “One Person, One Vote” when drawing congressional districts

7 Gerrymandering

8 Gerrymandering




12 Salary and Benefits 1789- $6 a day for the House and Senate
27th Amendment 2009- $174,000 Free from arrest Power of exclusion (Powell v. McCormack) Censure Income Tax deductions for homes pensions for life, health care Franking --- Free Postage!! Incumbency Advantage

13 Crazy Congressional Characters
100 Senators 435 Representatives 4 Delegates Guam D.C. American Samoa Virgin Islands 1 Resident Commissioner (Puerto Rico) Lawyers Business, Banking, Education 50 years + Ethnic makeup

14 Re-election Most incumbents are re-elected Connections Gerrymandering
Visibility Criticism

15 The Art of Lawmaking Rules Committees Each chamber creates their own
Posted every two years Committees Most of the work More important in House than in Senate Bills Specialize

16 House Politics Party Affiliations Party Leaders Speaker of the House
House floor leaders Whips Minority Parties

17 The House of Representatives

18 Where do you sit?

19 Calendars Consent – Debate out of order House – Public
Discharge – Petitions to discharge a bill from a committee Union – Money Private – Individual people or places

20 Rules Committee “Traffic Officer” Bills reach the floor
Push ahead or take some time Settle disputes Delay or Block Quorum 218 – regular 100 – whole

21 Senate Flexible Unlimited debate The V.P. Rules! President Pro-Tempore
Majority and Minority leaders

22 The Senate

23 Bills in the Senate Any Senator can introduce a bill 2 Calendars
General Orders Executive Bills go to floor by unanimous consent Filibuster 3/5 of senate (60) vote for Cloture to stop a Filibuster Filibuster is not as effective today as it was before

24 Committees Purposes Types Ease workload Specialize Compromises
Public hearings and investigations Types Standing Subcommittees Select Joint Conference

25 Why join a committee?

26 Staff and Support Assist with workload Talk to voters
Assist with committee hearings Floor sessions Draft bills Write committee reports Attend committee meetings Help lawmakers get re-elected Keep an eye on political developments back home Write speeches and newsletters Raise funds Meet with lobbyists and visitors from home

27 Support Staff Administrative Assistants Legislative Assistants
Caseworkers Committee Staff Do the staff have too much power?

28 Support Agencies Library of Congress Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
General Accounting Office Government Printing Office

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