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Legacy of WWII Periods 2 and 3: Please take out your Tic-Tac-Toe assignments if you have not turned them in. Title your notes: Legacy of WWII. Periods.

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Presentation on theme: "Legacy of WWII Periods 2 and 3: Please take out your Tic-Tac-Toe assignments if you have not turned them in. Title your notes: Legacy of WWII. Periods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legacy of WWII Periods 2 and 3: Please take out your Tic-Tac-Toe assignments if you have not turned them in. Title your notes: Legacy of WWII. Periods 6-8: Please take out article 3 and analysis. Title your notes: Legacy of WWII.

2 War’s Human Cost 20 million troops killed Millions of civilians killed 21 million refugees


4 Economic Winners and Losers
Many countries in ruins – the US came out on top Marshall Plan – US gave $13 billion to rebuild Europe


6 Changes in American Society
Millions of soldiers came home – baby boom GI Bill – economic and educational assistance for troops Housing demand up

7 Nuremburg Trials Nazi leaders tried with war crimes 197 tried and convicted (13 executed)


9 Creation of UN Replace League of Nations as international peace keeping organization


11 International Tensions
Creation of Israel Origins of the Cold War


13 WWII Quiz Study Guide 5 multiple choice questions Treaty of Versailles
Post WWI Problems The Rise of Dictators Growth of the Japanese Empire Totalitarianism

14 Notebook Check – Regular 4/25/17
1. Unit 8 SSA 2. Unit 8 Essential Questions 3. Unit 8 Vocabulary 4. MAIN Causes of WWI 5. Powderkeg and Spark 6. Mechanization of War and Written Response 7. WWI Casualties Chart 8. Legacy of WWI 9. Europe Before and After War Maps 10. Causes of the Russian Revolution Flow Chart 11. Russian Revolution Timeline 12. Russian Leaders 13. Totalitarianism 14. Origins of WWII 15. Steps to War 16. War in Africa and Europe 17. War in the Pacific 18. Legacy of WWII

15 Notebook Check – Honors 4/25/17
1. Unit 8 SSA 2. Unit 8 Essential Questions 3. Unit 8 Vocabulary 4. MAIN Causes of WWI 5. Powderkeg and Spark 6. Mechanization of War and Written Response 7. WWI Casualties Chart 8. Wartime Propaganda 9. Legacy of WWI 10. Europe Before and After War Maps 11. Causes of the Russian Revolution Flow Chart 12. Russian Revolution Timeline 13. Russian Leaders 14. Totalitarianism 15. Origins of WWII 16. Steps to War 17. War in Africa and Europe 18. War in the Pacific 19. Legacy of WWII

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