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Alexander the Great Empires Unit.

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1 Alexander the Great Empires Unit

2 Today we’re going to look at a “great” person.
Alexander the Great How did he get that title?

3 Pre-Alexander Alexander’s Dad: Phillip II of Macedonia
Conquered Greece Strong Macedonian military Phalanx organization difficult to attack Dies before moving onto Persia

4 Rise of Alexander 20 year old king
Kills 6,000 rebels to prove strength – Ruthless Begins Persian campaign to continue father’s plans AMBITIOUS!

5 Look out, Persia! 334 BCE – 35,000 troops invade Persia and win at Granicus River – Burns capital to ground STRONG MILITARY, Alexander military genius On to Egypt next

6 Alexander the Conqueror
Takes control of Egypt, named Pharaoh Capital named after him - Alexandria Reaches India -> military intelligence/skill Defeats war elephants Incredible leader

7 Peace & Collapse 11,000 Miles in 11 years Pax period
Troops demand to go home Pax period Trade & building are focus Al dies at 33 from malaria?? Empire crumbles as generals fight for power

8 Significance (Who cares?)
Spread of Hellenistic culture (Diffusion) Largest empire so far (323 BC) (Most) respected military leader in history Wealthiest man in history??

9 Alexander the Great Timeline
Create a timeline that includes the following important dates from Alexander the Great’s Empire: A. 356 BCE: Alexander is born B. 343 BCE: Aristotle is Alexander’s tutor C. 334 BCE: Alexander invades Persia D. 327 BCE: Alexander begins India Campaign E. 323 BCE: Alexander the Great dies in Babylon Make sure the dates are in the correct order and spaced properly on the timeline!

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