The 11 Most Populous Countries

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Presentation on theme: "The 11 Most Populous Countries"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 11 Most Populous Countries
Impromptu Top Ten!!! (11)

2 C leverly I nvestigating (and) U nderstanding I ssues B ecause P opulations N ow B uild R eliable J ustifiable M aps 1. China 2. India 3. USA 4. Indonesia 5. Brazil 6. Pakistan 7. Nigeria 8. Bangladesh 9. Russia 10. Japan 11. Mexico

3 Cartogram

4 Cartogram

Fundamentals of Population: Location, Distribution, & Density

6 Is it Crowded in here??? Imagine that the number of students in our AP HGEO Class has doubled. List the effects of this, both positive and negative. Would you like to have more, fewer, or the same number of students in the class as now? WHY? Might any factors change your decision?

7 With a Partner…(5 min) Please write responses!
1. What are the benefits / drawbacks of a area / society with a large / small population? 2. What effects does Geography itself have on the number of people in a place? 3. What effects does Density have on the ability of a place to provide services to a population?

8 What is Demography??? KEY THEMES… 1. DISTRIBUTION –
total population # vs where concentrated…

9 DENSITY Why of Where!!!

10 Themes Cont’d… 2. GROWTH – Is population growth a problem???
Is population decline a problem??? Carrying Capacity (Matrix Scene)


12 THE TURNING POINTS… The Agricultural Revolution &
THE Industrial Revolution!!!! Before / After Effects on Population?


14 Themes Cont’d… 3. MIGRATION- Why do people move???

15 Themes Cont’d… 4. POPULATION POLICIES –
Why would a Gov’t want to have controls over its population growth? How might Gov’ts do this??? Should they do this???

16 UNIT 2 ESSENTIAL Q What does Population tell us about the world, its countries, & their relationships to one another?

17 CH 4. Guiding Q (Book Notes)
How does the distribution and density of population impact quality of life?

18 World Population Concentrations

19 In USA… 1. E. Coast W. Coast Midwest

20 MEGALOPOLIS – Cluster of Distinct Major Cities – Forms Large Realm
In USA???




24 Where do we go now? RUST BELT – Decline SUN BELT – Growth

25 Making the Count Census –
Why does a country need to know where its population exactly is???

26 Population Density- Number of People per unit area (sq. mile) 2 types

27 World Population Density
How does the distribution and density of population impact quality of life?

28 1. Arithmetic Pop. Den.- Breaks down data evenly
Assumes POP. is spread out evenly across all space Misleading??? No country has an evenly distributed population!!!


30 Arithmetic Pop. Den. Formula
Country Pop. / Total Land = People per unit Egypt Pop.= 69.8 million (69,800,000) Egypt land Area = thousand sq. mi (384,300) 69.8 / = people per sq. mi. (182) or (just stay consistent!!!) 69,800,000 / 384,300 = (182)

31 People All Over Egypt???

32 2. Physiological Pop. Den. # of people per unit of ARABLE LAND-
Useable land (agriculturally reproductive) NOT mountains, tundra, craters, canyons, desert Accurate reading of where people are located Shows population pressure # ALWAYS Higher!!!

33 Physiological Pop. Den. FORMULA
Country Pop. / Arable land = people per arable unit 1. Have to ask what % of this country’s land is arable (farmable) To find Arable Land: multiply total land by arable land percentage (as a decimal)

34 Egypt land Area = 384.3 th. sq. mi. (384,300) Egypt % Arable Land = 2%
EGYPT PHYSIO. Pop. Den. Egypt Pop.= 69.8 million (69,800,000) Egypt land Area = th. sq. mi. (384,300) Egypt % Arable Land = 2% (Decimal Way) (Long Way) Arable Land = * = * =7686 Total Pop / Arable land = People per Arable U. / = (9081) / = 9081

35 182 Vs. 9081


37 CH 4. Guiding Q (Book Notes)
How does the distribution and density of population impact quality of life?

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