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Revolutionary Jeopardy #2

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1 Revolutionary Jeopardy #2

2 A Men 100 200 300 400 500 B Women 100 200 300 400 500 C Pot Luck I 100 200 300 400 500 D Pot Luck II 100 200 300 400 500

3 A100 Question: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Answer: Thomas Jefferson

4 A200 Question: Who wrote the unalienable rights – life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? Answer: John Locke

5 A300 Question: Who spoke out against the Stamp Act and said, “ Give me liberty or give me death!”? Answer: Patrick Henry

6 A400 Question: Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty and led opposition to the Stamp Act and the Boston Massacre? Answer: Samuel Adams

7 A500 Question: Who is considered the founder of the United States Navy and said, “I have not yet begun to fight!”? Answer: John Paul Jones

8 B100 Question: Who urged people to remember the ladies and argued for education for women? Answer: Abigail Adams

9 B200 Question: Who organized fund raising for the Revolution and helped sew 2,200 shirts? Answer: Esther de Berdt

10 B300 Question: Who disguised herself as a man and fought for 18 months in the war? Answer: Deborah Sampson

11 B400 Question: Who wrote one of the earliest histories about the Revolutionary War? Answer: Mercy Otis Warren

12 B500 Question: Who was the first poet and female writer to be published in the colonies? Answer: Anne Bradstreet

13 C100 Question: What treaty gave the U.S. independence and the boundaries of Canada, Florida, and the Mississippi River? Answer: Treaty of Paris 1783

14 C200 Question: What forbid the colonists to go over the Appalachian Mountains to settle? Answer: Proclamation of 1763

15 C300 Question: What was the first Constitution of the United States? Answer: Articles of Confederation

16 C400 Question: Why did the British impose taxes on the colonists? Answer: To repay the debt from the French & Indian War.

17 C500 Question: Which act led the colonists to claim that taxes were imposed without their consent? Answer: Stamp Act

18 D100 Question: How did the French aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette contribute to the American Revolutionary War? Answer: He drilled and commanded troops for the colonists against British forces.

19 D200 Question: How did Thomas Paine contribute to the revolutionary cause? Answer: He wrote “Common Sense” to persuade other to join the Patriots.

20 D300 Question: What was a significant accomplishment of the Second Continental Congress in 1776? Answer: the writing of the Declaration of Independence

21 D400 Question: What were the people called who opposed the Declaration of Independence? Answer: Loyaltists

22 D500 Question: What era of U.S. history would the following be a part of: Lexington & Concord, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, Battles of Saratoga & Yorktown, and the Boston Tea Party? Answer: Revolutionary Era

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