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WORKSTATION (WST) AND ONLINE DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEM (ODSS) TRAINING Training Facilitators: Jomella Watson-Thompson and Christina Holt.

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Presentation on theme: "WORKSTATION (WST) AND ONLINE DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT SYSTEM (ODSS) TRAINING Training Facilitators: Jomella Watson-Thompson and Christina Holt."— Presentation transcript:

Training Facilitators: Jomella Watson-Thompson and Christina Holt

2 Considerations for Implementing and Documenting Community Initiatives
Universal All individuals or members of a group Targeted Those individuals at greater risk for the problem Aim: Modify individual and community factors Personal/environmental factors Risk/protective factors

3 Documenting the Initiative’s Efforts
Importance of collecting and documenting efforts Importance of consistent documentation of the initiative’s efforts Importance of sharing the progress of the initiative

4 WorkStation (WST) Gateway to the Online Documentation and Support System (ODSS) Communicates the efforts of the initiative (internal and external) Promotes the efforts of the initiative Tour of the WST Web Address: Refer to Training Manual- Section 3 or Section 4, page 4 4

5 SRS Level 1 Training: ODSS Coding Definitions
Work Group for Community Health and Development University of Kansas

6 A Framework for Community Mobilization
Community Organization & Action Community Context & Planning Widespread Behavior Change Community Change Community/Systems Change Organizational Change Improvements in Population- Level Outcomes Engaged, Local People To Improve an Outcome of Concern Create Environments

7 KUWG Community Change Theory
(Intermediate Outcome) Population-Level Outcome (Longer-Term Outcome) Programs Policies Practices Risk/Protective Factors Homicide/Assault When of sufficient: Goal Strategy Penetration Duration


9 Definition: Community and Systems Change
New or modified Programs Policies, or Practices in the community or system facilitated by the initiative, related to its goals and objectives. Must meet all of the following criteria (Section 2, page 4) CC1.1 have occurred CC1.2 related to the initiative's goals and objectives CC1.3 new or modified programs, policies, or practices in different parts of the community or system CC1.4 are facilitated by individuals who are members of the initiative or are acting on behalf of the initiative.

10 Additional Considerations for CC
Multiple instances of a CC can be documented if it occurs (CC3): Across multiple settings or levels and requires separate approvals. New collaborations are a CC if there are (CC7): Shared risks, resources, responsibilities, and rewards Occurrence of a CC is documented when (CC5 & CC6): Policy is approved Program is implemented Practice is implemented

11 Example of a Community Change
Description Component Example What new/modified program, policy, or practice was implemented? Who was involved in this change and what are their positions/responsibilities within the community? How might the community benefit from this change?

12 Definition: Community Action
Community Actions: activities performed by members of the initiative or group to bring about a new or modified program, policy, or practice in the community or system related to the initiative or group’s goals and objectives. Community actions must meet all of the following criteria (CA1, p. 5): CC1.1 have occurred CC1.2 related to the initiative's goals and objectives CC1.3 taken to bring about community/system change CC1.4 are facilitated by individuals who are members of the initiative or are acting on behalf of the initiative.

13 Local Example of Community Action (CA)
Description Component Example Who was involved in this action and what are their positions/responsibilities within the community? What was the action taken? What community change is it intended to bring about? Next step(s)?

14 Definition: Organizational Change (OC)
New or modified Programs Policies, or Practices that occur within the organization Must meet all of the following criteria (CC1, p. 3): CC1.1 have occurred CC1.2 related to the initiative's goals and objectives CC1.3 new or modified programs, policies, or practices WITHIN the organization (e.g., steering committee). CC1.4 are facilitated by individuals who are members of the initiative acting on behalf of the initiative.

15 Example of Organizational Change (OC)
Description Component Example What new/modified program, policy, or practice was implemented in the organization? Who was involved in this change and what are their positions/responsibilities within the community? How might the organization benefit from this change?

16 Definition: Development Activity
Definition: Actions taken to prepare or enable the group to address its goals and objectives. DA1.1. actions that enable the group to do its work DA1.2. have occurred not (or not yet) any other code Coding Criteria (p. 7)- DAs must include all of the following: Tasks that further the work of the initiative (e.g., collaborative planning, staff training) Can lead to materials or products such as a strategic plan, training manual, or grant application

17 Definition: Services Provided (SP)
Delivery of information, training, materials or other valued goods or activities by members of the initiative SPs must include all of the following criteria: have occurred and/or ongoing provision of information and training, material goods, or other services, sponsored or facilitated by members of the initiative delivered to community members served by the initiative Presentations made with the aim of generating changes in the community are CA (SP3). If presentation is intended to simply deliver information then SP. Each instance of a SP (delivery of a class or workshop) is documented each time the event occurs (SP4).

18 Definition: Media Coverage (M)
Coverage of the initiative or its projects in the newspaper, radio or television, or newsletter. These may be scored as: a) instances or discrete occurrences of coverage, b) column inches of coverage and/or c) minutes of coverage - Ms must have occurred - Ms must be an instance of radio or television time, newspaper article, brochure, or newsletter -Ms must feature or be facilitated by the initiative Examples A newspaper article featured the initiative.

19 Definition: Resources Generated
Acquisition of funding for the initiative through grants, donations, or gifts in kind. RGs must have occurred RGs must be in the form of money, materials, or donated professional time RGs must be used to facilitate actions related to the mission of the initiative RGs must be allocated to the initiative, not one of its partners Examples The initiative received a $1,000 from the Sunflower Foundation

20 Other Other items important to be included or documented for which no code or definition has been created.

21 ODSS Reporting Protocol
Documentation must be complete by the 1st Friday of Every Month Review by the KUWG and distribution of feedback form by 3rd Friday of Every Month KUWG Technical Support Call by the 4th Friday of Every month Report due to Coordinator by the 1st of every month

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