Working with families and friends

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Presentation on theme: "Working with families and friends"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with families and friends
Dr Gemima Fitzgerald Clinical Psychologist Rowans Hospice

2 Working with families Often communicating with families presents us with the most difficulties Discuss in groups of 2-3 your experiences of this Feedback as a group and think about possible reasons Very stressful time in people’s lives often

3 No man is an island….. Also draw circles of influence diagram….who are we closest to?

4 Genograms Understanding that we are all a part of a system and are affected by this Belief systems/health/attitude to doctors etc are often developed in our early life and continue to influence us Family script / corrective family script Draw own genogram Discuss in pairs Start by explaining what a genogram is and then drawing mine.

5 Working with families We are all a part of a system
How families respond to crises All families are different! How do they react to waiting? How do they cope with doctors/hospitals? How good are they at asking for help? General level of assertiveness Does everyone have a voice? Underlying/historical difficulties

6 Emotional Style Talking style Who talks to who
What are the ‘no go’ areas Information sharing Style of listening How do people notice Discuss your own thoughts about this in pairs

7 Video clip Asking what do they want?
Respecting wishes and trying to meet needs

8 What is it like waiting for someone to die?
Discuss in small groups what this might feel like Feedback and discuss as a whole group Conflicting, strong emotions How this presents in the bereavement service

9 Curiosity Believing that you don’t know it all Asking questions
Challenging your own assumptions Being interested in everyone (even if they’re not there) Being interested in similarities and differences Importance of consistency in the message a staff team give – this is hard sometimes Sensitivity to family dynamics can make a big difference Group discussion on thoughts about this.

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