5.4 – 5.7.

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1 5.4 – 5.7

2 Space Race Simple solid-fueled rockets have been used since the 1200s, but the invention of liquid fueled rockets in 1926 brought space travel within man’s reach. At the end of WW II, the Soviets captured a German research center that studied rockets, but many scientists escaped to the United States and the space race began.

3 Race to the Moon Sputnik 1 first artificial object in space sent by Russia in 1957 Sputnik 2 Second space craft sent by Russia that carried a dog named Laika

4 Explorer 1 first American space craft in space sent in January 1958 Discovered trapped solar wind particles around earth Luna 1 first space craft to fly past the moon, sent by Russia in 1959 Luna 2 first space craft to crash into the moon in 1959 as well

5 Between 1961 and 1963 advances in understanding of aeronautics and rockets allowed many astronauts and cosmonauts to enter space. Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space in 1961 aboard the Russian spacecraft, Vostok 1 Alan Shepard was the first American in space in 1961 aboard the Mercury

6 John Glenn He was the first American to orbit the earth in 1962 In 1998, Glenn became the oldest man to fly in space. Valentina Tereshkova -First woman to fly in space in 1963

7 In 1964, the Russians made another advancement in the space race by sending 3 cosmonauts into space aboard the Voskhod 1. In 1965, America responded with the Gemini program. The two person Gemini spacecraft were maneuverable, and astronauts were able to practice working outside of the spacecraft. Voskhod Gemini

8 The U.S. took the lead in the space race with the Apollo program.
Apollo 8 was the first manned mission to orbit the moon Apollo 11 was the first manned space craft to land on the moon -Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon on July 20, 1969 -Buzz Aldrin also walked on the moon and had made the first successful space walk on an earlier mission. Apollo 17 was the last manned space mission to the moon by the United States

9 Space Stations became the primary focus of the space race after the United States reached the moon.
Salyut program original space station launched by Russia in 1971 The program had militaristic and scientific operations. The last Salyut station burned up in the atmosphere in 1991. Skylab space station launched by the US in 1973 Skylab was far more spacious and contained larger laboratories than any previous space station.

10 First satation designed to add extra “rooms” at later times
Mir launched by Russia in 1986 First satation designed to add extra “rooms” at later times This station allowed even more astronomical studies, military observations, and medical research One cosmonaut spent one year and two monthes on the Mir. Several Americans visited the Mir after the collapse of the Soviet Union destroyed as it reentered the earth’s atmosphere in 2001

11 International Space Station

12 ISS In 1984, President Reagan called for the U.S. to construct a new space station by In 1998, several nations worked together to launch the first module. By 2000, 16 nations were working on the International Space Station As of the Nov. 2, 2010there have been 103 launches to the space station: 67 Russian vehicles, 34 space shuttles (U.S.), one European and one Japanese vehicle. A total of 150 spacewalks have been conducted.

13 The Space Shuttle In 1981, the U.S. launched the first space craft designed to be reused takes off like a rocket and lands like a plane usually made up of two solid fuel booster rockets and one liquid fuel main rocket

14 Satellites and space probes
first satellite was launched in 1957 communications satellites designed to transmit television, radio and telephone broadcasts XM and Sirius Satellite Radio geostationary orbits most satellites are located over the equator and match the earth’s rotation so that it stays over one point on the earth’s surface

15 weather satellites designed to measure atmospheric changes, cloud formations, and wind patterns to predict future weather conditions Many weather satellites are in polar orbits which orbit around the earth passing over the poles. navigational satellites are used to describe an objects speed and location. Garmin, Tom Toms, and many smart phones have a built in GPS receiver

16 Image from a weather sattelite

17 Earth resources satellite
Perform far more functions than most satellites They may be used to make maps, forecast crop productions, spot forest fires, plot the ocean floor, and more military satellites used by the military for observing missile launches, explosions, photographing enemy military installations, and helping with navigation for ships, planes, and tanks

18 space probes unmanned space craft designed to travel into unknown space Voyager 2 Sent past the outer planets to gather information Magellan Orbited Venus Viking and Pathfinder Explored Mars Venera Explored Venus New Horizons Is being sent to Pluto

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