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Joint Ethics 1.

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1 Joint Ethics 1

2 Joint Ethics Regulation Overview
JER Background and Purpose JER General Policy and Duties Key Rules INCLUDING FOREIGN NATIONALS IF: --NOT INCONSISTENT WITH HOST COUNTRY LABOR PROVISIONS OF _______________ 3 3 3 3

3 JER Background Replaced AFR 30-30 DOD Directive 5500.7-R
No Service Supplementing Regulations Applies to all DOD employees, regardless of civilian or military grade 12 Chapters, Punitive Provisions 11 11 11 11

4 Purpose To understand the origins and scope of the ethic requirements
To understand your duties as a DOD employee To become familiar with the gift, travel, and use of government resources rules 2 2 2 2

5 Ethical Duties Set a personal example for fellow DOD employees
Perform all official duties to facilitate Fed Government efficiency and economy Report suspected violations of ethics regulations 5 5 5 5

6 Principles of Ethical Conduct
Loyalty to Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain No conflicts of financial interests No improper use of information to further private interests Honest effort in performance of duties No unauthorized commitments or promises 6 6 6 6

7 Ethical Conduct No use of public office for private gain
Impartial, no preferential treatment Conserve Federal property No outside employment/conflicts with official duties Disclose waste, fraud, and abuse 7 7 7 7

8 MORE Ethical Conduct!!! Do not use rank or position to further private interest Prohibited from commercial solicitation and sale to Junior ranking personnel (exception one-time basis for house, vehicle, etc.) Solicitation for contribution for gifts must be voluntary Must pay all personal financial obligations in timely manner Must be careful of accepting gifts from organizations seeking to do business with the Department of Defense 8 8 8 8

9 EVEN MORE Ethical Conduct!!!
Can’t conduct any gambling activities on government property. The use of government facilities, property, or manpower for other than official use is prohibited. You may not use “Inside information” for personal gain. Avoid activities of organizations that are incompatible with your government position. Can’t use your position or rank to endorse a commercial product. Outside employment, which is incompatible with your government duties is prohibited.

10 General Policy DOD Employees (civilian and military) Shall:
Become familiar with all Ethical Provisions Comply with all provisions Become familiar with scope and authority for official activities for which YOU are responsible 12 12 12 12

11 Ethics Counselor’s Role
Ethics counselor -AN ATTORNEY No attorney-client privilege Must so advise before any communications Must report suspected JER violations Written guidance will help keep you out trouble 10 10 10 10

12 Joint Ethics Regulation Key Rules
Gift Travel Use of Government Property Commercial Activities Fundraising 13 13 13 13

13 Gifts From Outside Sources...
The General Rule None from prohibited sources or given because of official position Prohibited Source: Does business with the DoD Seeks to do business with the DoD 16 16 16 16

14 Gifts - The Practical Approach
Is Item Actually a Gift? If exception applies, would acceptance undermine Government Integrity? Illegal if in exchange for an official action Other statutes may prohibit Appearance influence is being “bought” 10 10 17 17 17 17

15 Gifts Between Employees
General Rule No gifts to official superiors “official superior” means someone who directs or evaluates an employee May not accept gift from lesser-paid employee Unless personal relationship justifies gift and no superior subordinate relationship exists 19 19 19 19

16 Gifts Between Employees
Exceptions “Occasional Basis” (Christmas, birthday) Non-cash gifts of $10 or less Food in office; hospitality at residence “Special, Infrequent Occasion” (marriage, retirement) $10 limit per person; $300 per organization 20 20 20 20

17 Bottom Line on Gifts Regardless of exceptions, may NEVER accept a gift in return for influence or solicit a gift from an outside source Gifts within exceptions must be truly VOLUNTARY 21 21 21 21

18 Official Travel - Air Travel
Required to Fly “Coach” Unless No other reasonably available accommodations exist Disabled employees condition necessitates first-class travel Exceptional security circumstances All first class travel must be reported to the GSA 16 16 24 24 24 24

19 Official Travel Use of Premium Class
Only seats provided on required route No Space available, required route Disabled Security purposes or exceptional circumstances Cheaper for Government Costs paid by a Non-Federal Source 17 17 25 25 25 25

20 Incidental Travel Benefits
On the Spot Upgrades May accept if available to public Don’t accept if offered because of rank or official position Getting Bumped Voluntarily-Keep benefit Involuntarily-Benefit belongs to Fed Government 21 21 29 29 29 29

21 Use of Government Resources
Agency designee MAY authorize if: No adverse affect on duty performance, duration/frequency=reasonable Pub interest keeping employee at work station No adverse reflection on US (e.g. porn reading, chain letter, etc…) No overburdening/no “significant” additional cost 31 31 31 31

22 Commercial Activities
No conflicts of interest, or even appearance No solicitation of junior members Key exception to “Junior member” prohibition: One-time sale of non-commercial property 34 34 34 34

23 Fundraising Only Combined Federal Campaign and Air Force Assistance Fund are officially sanctioned Purely personal, unofficial fundraising may be done subject to limitations 36 36 36 36

24 Joint Ethics Regulation Summary
JER Background JER General Policy and Duties Do Your Job Follow the Rules Key Rules Gift, Travel, Resource and Fundraising INCLUDING FOREIGN NATIONALS IF: --NOT INCONSISTENT WITH HOST COUNTRY LABOR PROVISIONS OF _______________ 42 42 42 42

25 Conclusion Take JER DEADLY serious!
Remember it is a PUNITIVE regulation!! When In Doubt -- See Your Ethics Counselor 41 41 41 41

26 “The servants of the Nation are to render their services without any taking of presents…”
--Plato 44 44 44 44

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