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Youth Partnership European Union &

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1 Youth Partnership European Union & Council of Europe YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND YOUTH POLICY CONFERENCE November 2008

2 10 years YOUTH Partnership
1998: Training of Youth Workers and Youth Leaders 2003: Training, Research, EuroMed Co-operation 2005: Single Framework Partnership Agreement The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

3 Priorities and objectives
= European (active) Citizenship, Participation = Human Rights Education and Intercultural dialogue = Social cohesion, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities = Recognition, Quality, Visibility of youth work & training = Better Knowledge of youth & Youth policy development = Support of the youth campaign All Different – All Equal The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

4 Youth Research & Policy
The Partnership in Youth Research & Policy = Thematic seminars and workshops = Networking of researchers (SEE members) = MA European Youth Studies = Regional youth policy seminars = Knowledge provision: EKCYP The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

5 Youth Policy Development
The Partnership in Youth Policy Development = Regional Policy Seminars and Workshops - Russia / CIS - Eastern Europe and Caucasus - South East Europe: = Trogir, Croatia, September 2007 = Belgrade, Serbia, September 2008 The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

6 Project ideas: = Trogir, Croatia, 12-15 September 2007
Create a more stable structure for governmental cooperation and exchange of examples of best practice; Develop an online platform for exchange of information, youth policy and research, translation of documents, sharing of research findings; Promoting dialogue between policy development, practice and research; Finding ways of increasing visibility of activities in the region Identify youth researchers in the region; Organising annual meetings on youth policy development in SEE. = Belgrade, Serbia, September 2008 Organise meeting points in SEE on specific topics/themes and cross-sectoral issues and cooperation; Study visits to “examples of best practice” (Balkan – Baltic cooperation); Conferences should be opened up to people outside our narrow circles – politicians, different ministries etc.; Promote “common road maps” between policy-makers, practitioners and researchers; Organise trainings on how to attract the media. The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

7 European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy
= Data and information on priority themes = Features: country information, document and expert database, glossary, good practice,… = National correspondents, nominated by Member States The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

8 European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy
= National correspondents nominated by SEE Member States of the CoE: BiH - soon (nomination announced) Croatia - yes FYRoM - no Montenegro - no Serbia - yes The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

9 The Partnership in Training
= European Citizenship = Training of Trainers The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

10 Information and Publication
= T(raining)-kits = Coyote Magazine = Seminar publications = Leaflets and brochures = Newsletter = Webportal, including EKCYP The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

11 The Partnership budget
= : 3 Mio. Euro (without Campaign) = 50% COM - 50% CoE = possibility to grant special support (alike Campaign) The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

12 Future of the Partnership
= Continuation and consolidation = New activities = Innovation & anticipation of needs = Synergies & co-operation = Concentration on key priorities = Long-term strategy and flexibility The entrance page: partnership/index.html The questionnaires: partnership/ekcyp/Participation_2005

13 Visit our Website Contact me directly

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