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Youth in Action. Objectives Promotion of young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular Development of solidarity.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth in Action. Objectives Promotion of young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular Development of solidarity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth in Action

2 Objectives Promotion of young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular Development of solidarity and tolerance among young people Fostering of mutual understanding between young people from different countries Improvement of the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field Promotion of European cooperation in the youth field

3 Priorities Permanent priorities –European citizenship –Participation of young people –Cultural Diversity (fight against racism and xenophobia) –Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities Specific yearly priorities 2010: –European year for combating poverty and social exclusion –Youth unemployment and promotion of young unemployed people’s active participation in society –Awareness-raising and mobilization of young people around global challenges (such as sustainable development, climate change, migrations, the Millennium Development Goals) 2011: Youth in the Move, European Year of Volunteering, Europe China Year : work programme of the Commission adopted by the Council http://s-eaction/index.php/french/budget-et-finances-mainmenu-28/149-divers/2029-programme- de-travail-2011

4 Who implements the programme? European Commission (EC) Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) – YOUTH Unit National Agencies (33 NA) + CH/Croatia in 2011 National Authorities Other structures: SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres (8) Eurodesks Partnership between European Commission and Council of Europe, United Nations, EuroMed, European Youth Forum

5 Who can participate? Young people aged between 13 and 30 (individuals or groups), independently of their level of education or social and cultural background A non-profit or non-governmental organisation A local, regional public body An informal group of young people A body active at European level in the youth field (ENGO), having member branches in at least 8 Programme Countries An international governmental non-profit organisation A profit-making organisation organising an event in the area of youth, sport or culture

6 Geographical scope 31 Programme Countries Applicants / direct beneficiaries OR Partners / indirect beneficiaries 27 members states of EU 3 EFTA/EEA countries: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein 1 pre-accession country: Turkey + CH/Croatia as of 2011

7 Geographical scope 23 Neighbouring Partner Countries South East Europe (SEE)Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EEC) Mediterranean Partner Countries Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) Kosovo (under UNSC resolution 1244/1999) Montenegro Serbia Exception: can be applicants and direct beneficiaries under Actions 2 and 3.1 (EACEA) Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Moldova Russian Federation Ukraine Algeria Egypt Israel Jordan Lebanon Morocco Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Syria Tunisia Partners / indirect beneficiaries under Action 2: EVS Action 3.1: Cooperation with the NPC of EU

8 5 Actions Action 1 - Youth for Europe Action 2 - European Voluntary Service Action 3 - Youth in the World Action 4 – Youth Support Systems Action 5 - Support for European cooperation in the Youth field

9 Action 2 European Voluntary Service (EVS) Individual or group project involving young people aged between 18 and 30 in a non-profit-making unpaid activity for the benefit of the general public in a « Programme country » or « Neighbouring Partner Country » or « Other Partner Country of the World » other than the country of residence

10 Action 3: Youth in the World To support projects with Partner countries, in particular exchanges of young people, youth workers and youth organisations To develop partnerships and network of youth organisations Sub-actions 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Countries of the EU Exchanges Training and networking activities 3.2 Cooperation with other Partner Countries of the World Call for proposals

11 General selection procedures 1. Programme Guide: permanent call 1.Programme Guide: permanent call Action 1 : Actions 1.1 Youth Exchange / 1.2 Youth Initiative / 1.3 Youth Democracy Project Action 2 EVS Action 3.1 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Countries of the EU Action 4.3 Training and networking of those active in youth work and youth organisations Action 5.1 Meeting of young people and those responsible for youth policy Application forms : Europa / NA / EACEA websites (2011 E-foms) Criteria: Eligibility / Selection / Award General Specific for each action and sub-action Funding rules General Table « Overview of funding rules » specific for each action and sub-action Who can apply ? / Where to apply, EACEA: ENGOs, SEE (2/3.1), specific applications under Action 2 National Agencies

12 Important features Non-formal learning Youthpass Visibility of the Programme Dissemination and exploitation of results (EVE database) Anti-discrimination Equality between women and men Protection and safety of participants Multilingualism

13 Further information? EACEA Youth unit General information: +32 2 29 75615 Youth Helpdesk: (visa, accreditation, EVS +32 2 29 68724) Information on specific calls for proposals:

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