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Claire Coleman and Peter Tormey

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1 Claire Coleman and Peter Tormey
Transition from Further to Higher Education: Edinburgh Napier University Claire Coleman and Peter Tormey

2 The Scottish Context The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) (2015) has an ambition for articulating students; to grow from 49% of HN entrants to 75% in the next ten years for articulation provision in Universities to grow from 11% to 25% with growth of new articulation pathways in new Universities new additional routes, such as S6 schools, foundation apprenticeships and work based qualifications SFC (2016, p.2) have called for ‘boldness in the approach to articulation’ The Commission of Widening Access report (2016) makes clear recommendations (8-10) for the future of articulation in Scotland

3 College to University *
Articulation in Higher Education Articulation: The movement of students from Higher National Qualifications (HNQs) at college into second or third year of a university degree ‘Advanced Standing’ ‘2+2 or ‘1+3’ model Full credit awarded College to University * 4th Year (Honours Degree) HND 3rd Year (Ordinary Degree) HNC 2nd Year 1st Year *Dependent on satisfying entry requirements

4 Edinburgh Napier University
A brief introduction Total on campus student population 13,568 11,002 undergraduate 2,566 postgraduate Majority through ‘traditional’ entry routes into 1st year Articulation routes, with advanced entry & no loss of time Articulation agreements with institutions across Scotland The number of agreements continue to grow

5 Articulation at Edinburgh Napier University
Highest number of articulating students in the east of Scotland (~723) and second highest in Scotland In 2016/17, 28% of entrants (2,618) articulated from a college Bespoke academic and social integration throughout the student journey: in college, pre-entry, first trimester, moving through, moving on Collaboration between the Widening Participation team, Employment & Opportunities team and respective Schools.

6 To provide some context…..

7 The Associate Degree Scheme at Edinburgh Napier University
School of Computing School of Engineering and the Built Environment Features Typically ‘2+2’ model’: HNC/D years (SCQF level 7/8) Guaranteed place* ENU matriculated students (access to resources) 428 funded places (107 students per year) *Dependent on satisfying entry requirements

8 Associate Engineering Degree
HNC year (1st year university equivalent) 5 key academic development workshops: Gayle – holistic transitional support SCQF level 7 Effective Studying Academic Writing Report Writing Evaluating Academic Sources Exam Prep & Revision ....contextualised for HN Graded Unit Additional workshops: Presentation Skills Referencing Graphs & Tables

9 Associate Engineering Degree: Pre-Entry
‘Let’s Start’ applicant day Course information, guidance and social event Typically for HND to 3rd year applicants Named university contact (Coming From College Adviser) Signposting to online resources i.e. ‘Get Ready’ and ‘Coming ‘From College’ Moodle pages Attend a ‘Getting Started’ induction event

10 Articulating Student Induction
Subject-specific academic induction events in ‘week 0’ ‘Signposts to Success’ SCQF level 9 equivalent Focuses on course-specific pertinent transitional issues Presentation Workbook

11 Articulating Student Support
Tailored social and personal transition events called ‘Getting Started’ Embedded into ‘week 1’ (Freshers’ Week) academic timetable Wider student demographics; international entrants in addition to Scottish-domiciled Edinburgh Napier's Schools: Computing Engineering and the Built Environment Applied Sciences Health & Social Care Business Arts & Creative Industries Academic Support Adviser Academic Skills Advisers

12 Coming from College Adviser
Additional Transitional Resources 1 Coming from College Adviser 2 3

13 Academic Skills Development
Delivered by the Academic Skills Team Academic skills workshops – ‘open’ and ‘integrated’ One-to-one appointments School-specific staff expertise available Caters for SCQF levels 7-10 and postgraduate studies Supplements pre-entry support and online resources

14 One-to-one appointment
Advice and guidance on a piece of academic work First assignment at university Interpreting lecturer feedback and creating a bespoke study plan Continues from where Signpost to Success finishes – referral relationship Fosters student autonomy and self-efficacy

15 Academic Skills Workshops
open for all or embedded into academic timetable wide range of topics Aimed at: students who are new to the University 3rd and 4th year students

16 Continually expanding
Workshop menu…. Continually expanding 128 - Workshops on Academic Skills database (currently!) Varying SCQF levels

17 Academic Skills Workshops
‘Emergency’ support Workshop Study aids Personal development and training development Students have the opportunity to engage and ask questions

18 Coming from College Adviser
Regular contact via throughout Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 Option to meet at any time during the first year of study for guidance Provides continuity from the pre-entry and transition events Liaise with Academic Skills team, support services and academic staff – holistic approach

19 Coming from College Adviser Academic Skills Advisers
Transitional Support at Edinburgh Napier University Key SEBE School of Engineering and the Built Environment SoC School of Computing HLSC School of Health, Life & Social Care SACI School of Arts & Creative Industries SAS School of Applied Sciences TBS The Business School Scottish College SEBE SoC HLSC SACI SAS TBS HNC (SCQF level 7) 1st year Associate Studentship Programme 2nd year HND (SCQF level 8) Dotted line = Associate Studentship Scheme Solid line = articulation route Let’s Start Signposts to Success Getting Started Stages of Transition + Bespoke Support (SCQF level 9) 3rd year Coming from College Adviser Academic support Appointments (SCQF level 10) 4th year = Positive Transitional Experience & High Self-Efficacy School Support Academic Skills Advisers

20 To recap… Collegial relationship with partner Colleges
Edinburgh Napier University is a key articulation provider Interventions staged at points of transitional along the learner’s journey: HN at College, applicant, pre-entry, transition into and through University and moving on Collegial relationship with partner Colleges Streamed, bespoke for student/programme requirements Continually reviewed and developed

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