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By: Kerrigan Molland Matt Panzica

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1 By: Kerrigan Molland Matt Panzica
Culture By: Kerrigan Molland Matt Panzica

2 Culture Def- culture is a shared set of meanings that are lived through material and symbolic practices of everyday life Pop culture Folk culture

3 Folk culture characteristics
Smaller region and smaller groups of people Resistance to change Usually spreads through diffusion Usually have anonymous hearths

4 Pop culture characteristics
Found in large heterogeneous societies Diffuses rapidly (hierarchal) Spreads through expansion diffusion Often destroys folk cultures Hearths in us include Hollywood, and NYC

5 Folk Music Usually unidentified Transmitted orally
Tell a story or convey information about daily activities and life-cycle events Pop music Music invented in china in 2697 B.C

6 Pop music Takes technological skill Performed in studio with equipment
English became international language for popular music Spread rapidly during WWll

7 Soccer Early soccer games resembled mob scenes
King Henry ll banned soccer until 1603 when king James legalized it Clubs founded in 1800’s in Britain World soccer originated after 1863 Late 1800’s soccer is exported around the world First US college game in 1869 called a football game

8 Physical environment Environmental conditions can limit the variety of human actions anywhere Necessities food and shelter Demonstrate the influence of cultural values and environment on the development of unique folk culture

9 FOOD Folk food habits are embedded especially strong in the environment People adapt their food preferences to conditions in the environment Food customs affected by availability of products People refuse to eat particular plants or animals that are thought to embody negative forces in the environment

10 Food taboos Judaism Islam Hinduism Animals that have cloven feet
Fish lacking fins and scales Islam Pork (pigs unsuited for dry land of arabian peninsula) Hinduism Cows (environment)

11 housing Form of houses might reflect religious values, environmental, and social conditions Building materials is influenced both by social factors and what is available in the environment Most common materials are woods and brick

12 Sacred places Java Fiji Madagascar Thailand Laos

13 Layers of a culture Culture traits- a single attribute of a culture
Culture complex- combination of culture traits creates a unique set of traits Culture systems- culture complex sharing particular traits, turn into culture systems Culture regions- region that includes places and people with similarities in their culture systems Culture realms- formed by fusing culture regions that have enough in common to be merged

14 Diffusions Expansion- spreads outwards to new places but is still strong in hearth Stimulus- diffuses from hearth but original idea is changed Hierarchal- idea spreads from a place or person of power Contagious- people near origin become adapters Relocation- movement of the original adapters form their hearth to a new place Migrant- innovation spreads and lasts only a brief time in the newly adopted place

15 Torsten Hagerstrand Theorized that innovations of all kinds tend to diffuse from their hearths in stages 1st stage – gain acceptance in place of origin 2nd stage – begin to spread rapidly outward from region 3rd stage - slowing and reaching maximum dispersal and saturation

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