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West Valley High School Chemistry

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1 West Valley High School Chemistry
Mr. Button ex

2 Front of Index Card Name: Write Neatly! Cell Phone: (If you do not have an address, get one as soon as possible or I can help you get signed up with your West Valley Google account)

3 Back of Index Card Answer these questions: What was the last math class you took? Science class? Do you text regularly? If you are planning to go to college, where would you like to go? Name as many colleges as you’d like. Do you have internet access at home?

4 Chemistry Pre-requisites
Math through Algebra 1 Biology or Ag Science 2 Chemistry is an elective and it is hard. It requires a lot of work and practice. Chemistry Pre-requisites

5 Everyday Requirements
When you come into class, your phone and earbuds must be put away and out of sight unless we are using these as a tool. No food in class! You must bring a notebook with you everyday. Today is the one exception. You must bring a pen/pencil with you everyday. Today is the one exception. Keep your text available on campus – at home you can always access the electronic copy (but feel free to do whatever is comfortable). Be in your assigned seat by the time the bell rings. Everyday Requirements

6 It should be a spiral notebook or a bound composition book (with graph paper is best)
It is for chemistry notes only – no homework or other class work Notebook

7 Safety in a Chemistry Class

8 Good

9 Bad

10 If you break or spill anything, notify the teacher immediately
If the breakage occurred because of inappropriate behavior, you will have to pay for the broken item Breakage

11 All important information about this course is in the Chemistry Syllabus

12 In each unit of study, there will be learning objectives that you must attempt to reach. I will help you do that. If you are proficient at a given objective, you will be given a score of 3. If you are able to apply what you have learned and go above and beyond the objective, you will be given a score of 4. These scores are determined by your performance on tests and quizzes. Grading System

13 Your responses to questions regarding the learning objective demonstrate no major errors or omissions. What is a 3?

14 In addition to exhibiting level 3 performance, the student’s responses demonstrate in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught in class. What is a 4?

15 The student’s responses indicate major errors or omissions regarding the learning objective; however they do not indicate major errors or omissions relative to the simpler details of the learning objective. What is a 2?

16 All of your scores for each objective within a unit is averaged and that is your grade for the unit – 4.00 A 2.50 – 2.99 B 2.00 – 2.49 C 1.50 – 1.99 D below 1.50 F New Grading System

17 You can always try to increase your grade on any given learning objective. This can only help your grade. You can do this anytime during the semester. However, all assigned work must be completed within that particular unit before you make up these objective grades. New Grading System

18 If you are having trouble or you are going to miss class or you are just returning from an absence – TALK TO ME! There will be opportunity to make up missed work by utilizing the Eagle Achievement Period Communication

19 This is a mass texting service that allows me to send reminders to all of you.
Text this message: @wvchem to this number: DO THIS NOW! PARENTS ARE WELCOME TOO!!

20 This period of time is for you – you can get more one on one attention
You may be required to come in during this time for tutoring You can voluntarily come in any time you wish A group of you will be assigned to come into Achievement once a week to help clean the lab, if necessary. Eagle Achievement

21 Text Modern Chemistry – we will get it today
You will also be given access to an online edition You must have your book with you – we may not use it everyday, but you will want to have it available I would suggest leaving the book at school Text

22 Keys for Chemistry Success
Read the text……then read some more Take notes during lecture and content review Read Ask questions, especially about the labs and exams Complete all assignments Get to a good start by turning in everything and staying organized Keys for Chemistry Success

23 Go to Click on Blog

24 Scientific Inquiry

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