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PES Conference Labour Market integration of the Youth April 28-29, 2011 Hungarian presidency Workshop – Topic B Support job creation- How can PES better.

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Presentation on theme: "PES Conference Labour Market integration of the Youth April 28-29, 2011 Hungarian presidency Workshop – Topic B Support job creation- How can PES better."— Presentation transcript:

1 PES Conference Labour Market integration of the Youth April 28-29, 2011
Hungarian presidency Workshop – Topic B Support job creation- How can PES better cooperate with the demand side of the labour market and contribute to job creation? Dr. Tibor Bors Borbely-Pecze – Rita Répáczki

2 Where are the jobs of the future?
CEDEFOP 2008 p 50

3 Which level of qualification will be needed?
CEDEFOP 2008 p 61

4 A qualified European labour force?
Cedefop 2010 p 41

5 Changes in the demand side
Cedefop 2010 p 59

6 National practices - Hungary
Understanding the PES new role as „Brokerage firm” between education and the LM As „a HR development agency” helps Empowerment For the employees/ job-seekers side: (e.g. information provision/advise; career management skills) HR service centre for the employers

7 Example 1) – development of a national LLG network (SROP 2.2.2. 2011)
Link and educate different players in the field of lifelong guidance Establish a common protocol (language) Use a web portal as an integrative tool

8 Example 2) – develop rapid response (PHARE 2004)
Screening the LM every 3 months (7.500 firms, employees ~ 20% of the LM) Freshly planed lay-offs and labour needs

9 Example 3) (SROP ) Labour Market Forecast – by sectors and 200 occupations – scenarios Information provision Changies in health & social sectors EU MS

10 Workshop – Topic B Support job creation- How can PES better cooperate with the demand side of the labour market and contribute to job creation?

11 Resources CEDEFOP 2008 Future skill needs in Europe Medium-term forecast CEDEFOP 2010 Skills supply and demand in Europe Medium-term forecast up to 2020 A NEGYEDÉVES MUNKAERŐ-GAZDÁLKODÁSI FELMÉRÉS FŐBB EREDMÉNYEI I. NEGYEDÉV, FH Horn Dániel: A munkakereslet nemzetközi tendenciái BWP 2011/1 Nemzeti Pályaorientációs Portál

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