Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte!

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Presentation on theme: "Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte!
DO eller DOES Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! og derefter Continue… Continue

2 When ___ you get up in the morning?
do does Klik på det rigtige ord!

3 When do you get up in the morning?
Correct! When do you get up in the morning? Continue

4 ___ Martin live in Bristol?
do does

5 Does Martin live in Bristol?
Correct! Does Martin live in Bristol? Continue

6 ___ your parents smoke many cigarettes?
do does

7 Do your parents smoke many cigarettes?
Correct! Do your parents smoke many cigarettes? Continue

8 She ___ like apples. don't doesn't

9 Correct! She doesn't like apples. Continue

10 We ___ like cauliflower (blomkål).
don't doesn't

11 We don't like cauliflower (blomkål).
Correct! We don't like cauliflower (blomkål). Continue

12 ___ your sister play tennis?
do does

13 Does your sister play tennis?
Correct! Does your sister play tennis? Continue

14 Sheila ___ sing beautifully.
don't doesn't

15 Sheila doesn't sing beautifully.
Correct! Sheila doesn't sing beautifully. Continue

16 ___ Thomas and Ann go to school?
do does

17 Do Thomas and Ann go to school?
Correct! Do Thomas and Ann go to school? Continue

18 Why ___ your father work in Birmingham?
do does

19 Why does your father work in Birmingham?
Correct! Why does your father work in Birmingham? Continue

20 My brother and I ___ like fish.
don't doesn't

21 My brother and I don't like fish.
Correct! My brother and I don't like fish. Continue

22 The garden ___ look very nice.
don't doesn't

23 The garden doesn't look very nice.
Correct! The garden doesn't look very nice. Continue

24 Where ___ the Prime Minister live?
do does

25 Where does the Prime Minister live?
Correct! Where does the Prime Minister live? Continue

26 When ___ you play football?
do does

27 When do you play football?
Correct! When do you play football? Continue

28 These countries ___ lie in Africa.
don't doesn't

29 These countries don't lie in Africa.
Correct! These countries don't lie in Africa. Continue

30 ___ Chile and Bolivia both lie in South America?
do does

31 Correct! Do Chile and Bolivia both lie in South America? Tryk på ESC-tasten for at afslutte… og luk derefter filen!

32 Sorry! Try again!

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