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Exam Question: Homework due Friday, Jan 22nd

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1 Exam Question: Homework due Friday, Jan 22nd
Was the fear of communism the most important reason for the restrictions on immigration in the USA in the 1920’s? marks Explain need to discuss and show Own knowledge of fear of communism also discuss other factors such as # of immigrants, type of immigrants, eg. Laws religion, etc

2 USA 1910 – 29 New Section! Was America a country of religious and racial intolerance during this period?

3 What connects the following images?

4 Religious Fundamentalism in the USA
What is the Bible Belt? What is Fundamentalism? What is the Significance of the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925?

5 Ricky Gervais Evolution Starter Clip – 4:30 (From Folder)

6 What does this tell us?

7 The Bible Belt

8 Hello The scopes Monkey Trial (3:14) Using information from the video and pages of white SHP / orange 117… Draw and label a Cartoon Strip to describe the background and events of the monkey trial. You cannot have more than 6 sections to your cartoon strip. This is to ensure you are able to select the key points from the trial.

9 Hello The scopes Monkey Trial (3:14) Using information from the video and pages of white SHP / orange 117… From the bottom of page 56: “Although Scopes was found guilty, the outcome of the trial was generally regarded as a victory for Darrow and the Modernists, and a blow to the fundamentalists who were trying to censor what was taught in schools.”

10 Plenary You say We pay Bible Belt Christian Fundamentalism Decadence Tennessee Anti Evolution Law Charles Darwin Evolution John Scopes July 1925 Clarence Darrow William Bryan $100

11 Exam Question: Homework due Friday, Jan 22nd
Was the fear of communism the most important reason for the restrictions on immigration in the USA in the 1920’s? marks Explain need to discuss and show Own knowledge of fear of communism also discuss other factors such as # of immigrants, type of immigrants, eg. Laws religion, etc

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