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Chapter 11 Notes Effective Language.

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1 Chapter 11 Notes Effective Language

It is language that is CLEAR- it is accurate for the time and place. It is language that is CONCISE- you must be economical with the number of words you use. Avoid clutter!

3 Figurative Language that COMPARES:
Metaphor and simile- compares one thing to something else. “He was as fast as a cheetah.” Allusion- refers to a well known person, place, thing or idea. “He was quite a Picasso in his earlier days.”

4 Figurative Language that CONTRASTS:
Antithesis- contrasting opposites. “It doesn’t matter whether you are young or old.” Oxymoron- Places opposites side-by-side. “boring-fun; momentary love-of-my-life” Irony- Imply the opposite of what you are saying. “When everything goes wrong you say your day was terrific.”

5 Figurative Language that EXAGGERATES:
Hyperbole- A humorous exaggeration. “I called you a million times last night!” Understatement- Makes less of something. “You make a slam dunk but tell your friends that you can dunk a little.” Personification- Making the non-human human. Think of cartoons.

SEXIST LANGUAGE- The surgeon walked in the room, and then he dropped his glove.” SHOCKING OR OBSCENE LANGUAGE- turns off an audience if you offend them.


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