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Macbeth Act 4 and 5 SLAMs Name ________

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1 Macbeth Act 4 and 5 SLAMs Name ________
Act 4 SLAM – Macbeth is more confident after meeting with the three witches and finding out more of their prophesies. What two prophesies do they give Macbeth that assure him he will remain king and not be defeated? Read Act 4 Scene 1. Find and write down all of the examples of confidence Macbeth exhibits in Act 4 Scene 1. Find and write down the two complete prophesies that the witches give to Macbeth that make him feel “safe.” Reread the SLAM question, choose your evidence, write your answer. Act 5 SLAM – The witches’ word games are unveiled in Act 5. Explain how the prophesies given to Macbeth were a play on words and not meant to be literal translations. Reread the two prophesies that made Macbeth confident that he would remain king. Read Act 5 Scene 4 and Scene 5. Find and write down the warnings that the messenger and Seyton gave Macbeth, even though he would not listen. Read Act 5 Scene 5, 7, and 8. Find and write down when Macbeth realizes he is doomed; when the two prophesies the witches gave him come true!

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