“HOBBIES” Level 6 Teacher Radionova N. I. 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "“HOBBIES” Level 6 Teacher Radionova N. I. 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 “HOBBIES” Level 6 Teacher Radionova N. I.

2 Hobby is something that people like to do in their free time:
HOBBIES To do To learn to make To collect

3 USEFUL LANGUAGE: To do to make To collect To learn
1. Indoor activities: watching TV, listening to the radio, using of computer, playing board games, reading 2. Outdoor activities: travelling, sport, gardening, fishing, camping to make drawing, painting, making sculptures, making model of planes, designing clothes … To collect Stamps, coins, badges, postcards, books, games, records, cartoons, lables, dolls. To learn Books, journals, programmes, Internet, museums, theatres




7 Our Hobbies riding a bicycle gardening watching birds drawing pictures

8 We are fond of drawing…

9 I like dancing competitions.

10 my hobby - animals!


12 ADVICE: Let’s develop at our school such after classes activities as:
for years old students – discussing problems of keeping pets, modeling and computer studies, sport clubs; for years old students – computer studies, musical and dancing clubs, sport clubs;

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