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Compare the following political cartoons.

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Presentation on theme: "Compare the following political cartoons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare the following political cartoons.

2 The Conflict Widens Essential Question: How did conflict intensify in the early years of the war and how did it effect the home front?

3 Blitzkreig “Lightning War” -German strategy consisted of quick strikes with a great deal of force

4 Early German Success With a superior military force and tactic the German’s were able to control nearly all of Western Europe by 1941.

5 British evacuate 338,000 soldiers Strengthened the British war effort
Miracle at Dunkirk British evacuate 338,000 soldiers Strengthened the British war effort

6 Battle of Britain German campaign to bomb the British into submission using the Luftwaffe (air force) Unsuccessful

7 Invasion of Russia Hitler broke the treaty with Russia *Thought Russia was weak *Fierce Russian resistance / winter

8 U.S. Isolationism A strict policy of staying out of worldly affairs, wanted to avoid being drawn into the war. *Eventually did lend/sell supplies to allied powers.

9 Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Japanese surprise attack on the U.S. Destroyed 18 ships, 350 planes, 3,500 soldiers U.S. declares war on Japan (and Germany)


11 Turning the Tide Battle of Stalingrad (Nov 42 – Feb 43) – Soviet’s defeat and capture elite German forces

12 Turning the Tide Battle of the Midway – U.S. forces establish naval dominance in Pacific *Began island hopping campaign in which U.S. forces strategically move from island to island toward Tokyo.

13 Even more of a total war than WWI
Complete mobilization of economy and society

14 Every major country conscripted (drafted) soldiers
Total War Every major country conscripted (drafted) soldiers

15 Instituted propaganda campaigns
Total War Instituted propaganda campaigns

16 Rationed resources (limited consumption)
Total War Rationed resources (limited consumption)

17 Sold billions in war bonds
Total War Sold billions in war bonds

18 Soviet Homefront German siege left supplies short (esp. food)
Factories were dismantled and moved to the interior to keep production going Women worked in factories and even served in combat roles

19 German Homefront To avoid discontent did not stop producing consumer goods -> eventually forced to shift to military production Role of women shifted: child bearer -> factory worker Deployed children in combat (as young as 14 years old)

20 Japanese Homefront Gov’t controlled prices, wages, labor, and resources Young Japanese soldiers encouraged to volunteer for kamikaze (divine wind) or suicide missions Female workers not brought into the factories because of social customs

21 U.S. Homefront Industrial superpower of the allied powers (6 ships a day, 96,000 planes a year) African Americans moved to northern industrial cities and joined the military (segregated units) Women kept the economy going and joined the military (non-combat)

22 U.S. Homefront Order 9066 – Japanese Internment Camps
Forced 110,000 Japanese-Americans into camps Poor living conditions Lack of rights Forced to take loyalty oaths

23 Firebombing of Dresden Tokyo Rarely successfully in breaking morale
Bombing of Cities Civilian targets were bombed in WWII - > tried to force gov’t to make peace Bombing of Britain Firebombing of Dresden Tokyo Rarely successfully in breaking morale

24 Essential Question How did conflict intensify in the early years of the war?

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