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The relationship between Consumer Preceptor and Postgraduate Nurse

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1 The relationship between Consumer Preceptor and Postgraduate Nurse
Influence on Consumer Care and Reflective Practice A Student Nurse Perspective James Shanahan - MWAMHS

2 Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program - Background
A partnership developed between the Centre for Psychiatric Research and Practice (CPNRP) and the Melbourne Consumer Consultants group to obtain Federal funding for the Consumer Perspective Preceptorship Project (CPPP). Ms Cath Roper, Consumer Academic, CPNRP coordinated the program.

3 Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program - Background
In an observation about mental health professionals, Brooks (1995, p.1013) stated: “What is no longer remarkable to me is that the most dehumanising and stigmatising interactions have been within the professional community of mental health treatment and research.”

4 Findings of Discrimination in the Mental Health Workforce
The National Mental Health Strategy. Funding to Deakin University: To explore the education and training needs of mental health practitioners Discovered a climate of discriminatory practices existed

5 National Mental Health Statistics
The latest statistics indicate that one in five people at sometime in their lives will experience mental illness. Mental Illness does not discriminate, PEOPLE DO!

6 The Primary Aim of the Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program
“To increase students awareness and sensitivity to greater consumer participation within the mental health arena” (Roper 2003) A further aim was to enable students to reflect and consider alternative views and ideas in relation to professional practice (Roper, 2003)

7 Implementation of the Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program
The program was introduced through the Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Clinical Nursing (Mental Health Stream) - Melbourne University by Ms Cath Roper, Consumer Academic. The program was implemented in collaboration with Consumer Preceptors and Postgraduate nurses.

8 Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program
The CPP program provided an opportunity to develop a relationship between a consumer preceptor and a postgraduate nurse that would offer a foundation for reflective practice, enhance nursing practice and outcomes for consumers of mental health services. (Roper, 2003)

9 Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program
A Consumer Preceptor: Is a person who provides guidance and support to student nurses utilising their first hand consumer experience of the Mental Health System.

10 Evaluation of the Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program
Student and Consumer Preceptor feedback was an integral part of the overall evaluation process of the program. Ms Lyndall Grimshaw, Independent Consultant evaluated the program in terms of student views and outcomes. Ms Cath Roper, Consumer Academic evaluated the program in terms of Consumer Preceptor views and outcomes.

11 Evaluation of the Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program
Ms Cath Roper completed: A self evaluation report on the Consumer Perspective Preceptorship Program in February 2003. Personal Reflection Paper: The role of the Consumer Academic - “First you say one thing, and then another, we can’t win” Reflections on Consumer Academic Teaching. Research was conducted by Ms Cath Roper and Brenda Happell, Director of CPNRP on student feedback and responses to the CPPP program.

12 Consumer Preceptor Concerns
Maintenance of personal and professional boundaries Confidentiality Maintaining clarity about the role in supporting and facilitating learning Remaining objective The value of Consumer Preceptorship to students, particularly in relation to contentious issues such as nursing practices that impinge on Consumers’ rights

13 Addressing Consumer Preceptor Concerns
Most concerns were addressed through: The development of a trusting relationship between the Consumer and the Postgraduate nurse, and Peer support through a network of Consumer Preceptors and the Project committee.

14 Personal Concerns as a Postgraduate Student Nurse
Questioning of personal values and beliefs. Workload commitments Value of my own nursing practice Involvement in the program Views of colleagues and other professionals

15 Addressing Personal Concerns as a Postgraduate Nurse
Personal concerns were overcome by: Belief in the value of the program Discussion and feedback from colleagues and others Rapport and trust developed with the Consumer Preceptor Support from the ward based preceptor and Ms Roper Demonstration of the worth of the program to colleagues

16 Outcomes of the CPPP Program from a Personal Perspective
A ‘mental shift’ in the framework in which all aspects of clinical practice are couched within a Consumer partnership and participation model. Increased respect, insight and empathy with Consumers. Commitment to Consumer Participation and empowerment demonstrated in clinical practice.

17 Outcomes of the CPP Program from a Postgraduate Student Nurse Perspective
Understanding of the power of empathy and hearing Consumers’ stories Appreciation of the importance of advocacy within the nurses role Improved relationships with Consumers

18 Consumer Perspective Preceptor Program - References
Brooks,E. The Politics of Diagnostic Identity. Psychiatric Services 1995, 46(10) p Happell,B. & Roper,C. The Role of the Mental Health Consumer in the Education of Postgraduate Nursing Students: The Students Evaluation. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2003, 26(2) pp Ralph,R. (2002). The Dynamics of Disclosure: It’s Impact on Recovery and Rehabilitation Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 26(2) pp Roper,C. (2002). Self-Evaluation: Consumer Perspective Preceptorship Program. Centre for Psychiatric Research and Practice.

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