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The Unified Field Chart

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1 The Unified Field Chart
Connects at a glance: parts of knowledge wholeness of knowledge our own inner Self What is meant by parts of knowledge? What is meant by wholeness of knowledge? What is meant by our own inner Self? In your opinion, what might be the value of such an educational approach?

A Unified Field Chart presents knowledge at a glance. It shows how any field of knowledge is connected to its source—the unified field of natural law. It shows the unified field to be one’s own pure consciousness. The purpose of this educational tool is to enhance the development of higher states of consciousness.

3 The Process of Transcending
The Discipline The Unified Field unmanifest least expressed most expressed Thinking unmanifest least expressed most expressed Parts of Knowledge YOU ARE HERE! The Unified Field

4 2 MAIN POINTS The logic of a Unified Field Chart: connecting parts to wholeness The logic of a Unified Field Chart: connecting wholeness to Self

5 Logic of Vertical Organization
GROSS SUBTLE Most Expressed Least Expressed Concrete Abstract Outer Inner Largest Smallest Specific General Application Theory/Vision

6 Pure Awareness, the Source of Thought Finer and Finer Levels of Thought

7 Examples: Physics, Business
Fulfillment Achievement Action Thought Matter Quantum Fields

8 Individual Physiology Macromolecular Systems
Organs Tissues Cells Cell Components Macromolecular Systems Example: Physiology Proteins RNA DNA

9 Logic of Horizontal Organization
Often in 3 columns, which express the self-interacting dynamics of consciousness—also subtle to gross: Knower person/input: noun Knowing process/action: verb Known outcome: noun Example: Computer Science Programmer Programming Software Example: Writing Writer Writing Written Work

10 Delicious, nutritious, healthy, beautiful meal
In pairs: Rearrange these 10 boxes of text (on sticky notes) to make a Unified Field Chart on cooking. Explain the logic behind your vertical and horizontal organization. Delicious, nutritious, healthy, beautiful meal Finest level of feeling, most basic level of Self Personal sense of being a planner, nurturer, artist Finest impulse of serving, sharing, nourishing Chef Cooking and serving Fresh, pure, delicious, beautiful ingredients Finest nourishing and healing quality of food Planning, shopping, preparing, creating The Self, the Unified Field of Natural Law, the Home of All Knowledge, Pure Consciousness, the Source of Thought

11 The Logic of a Unified Field Chart: Connecting Parts to Wholeness
MAIN POINT 1 The Logic of a Unified Field Chart: Connecting Parts to Wholeness The logical organization of knowledge in a Unified Field Chart displays the systematic, stepwise emergence of knowledge in layers, from the unmanifest unified field of total knowledge, to the least expressed, to the most expressed levels of phenomenal existence.

12 The Logic of a Unified Field Chart: Connecting Wholeness to Self
MAIN POINT 2 The Logic of a Unified Field Chart: Connecting Wholeness to Self The sequential emergence of knowledge of the discipline is traced back during the practice of the TM technique, as the mind naturally settles down to less and less expressed levels of thinking, until it gains transcendental consciousness—the Self, which is also the home of all knowledge.

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