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Global Warming brings Climate Change

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1 Global Warming brings Climate Change
Deniers Deny Reality Bob Powell, Ph.D. physics, MBA

2 Shame Deniers? No. In the Gazette there was this: Point/Counterpoint: Was President Trump right to withdraw from the Paris climate accord? By: Dave Gardner and David Pico, June 10, 2017 Mr. Pico wrote: To raise a disagreement is to be shamed as a "denier." Yes, deniers should definitely feel shame.

3 Why? Because Global Warming is an Existential Threat to Life on Earth … FACT Because the futures of these and all children depend acting! Inaction means Death to Billions of people and countless species Don’t DOOM them!

4 Land-Ocean Temperature Anomaly 2016
Planes - Phoenix Time Estimate: 1/4 Here’s what’s happening . Click1: According to NASA, Land/Ocean temperatures are 1 degree warmer than the 1970s Trend Up and Increasing …

5 NASA: It’s Warming Much Faster … but Denial Persists
NASA: Global temperature has climbed "roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming." ~ position 2016 O NASA projects 20X faster warming in future Graph from 2008

6 Drain: Plants, soil, ocean, atmosphere
Where does our CO2 go? Drain: Plants, soil, ocean, atmosphere Humans emit 2X as much as is absorbed. We must cut emissions in 1/2, not just stop increasing! 45% remains in atmosphere 30% absorbed by plants & soils 25% absorbed by oceans (turning acidic) <1% reabsorbed by sediments & rocks NOT GOOD! Time Estimate: 1/2 Click1: Here’s where the CO2 goes Click2:.About half of the CO2 stays in atmosphere Click3: 25% absorbed by oceans Click4: … NOT GOOD because it’s making oceans acidic … killing coral reefs, killing phytoplankton the produces 1/2 the O2 on earth

7 On the Paris Accord President Trump: “wasn’t a good deal” … because China!!! Mr. Pico echoes President Trump: “If your goals are fairness and equality, you'll find none of it in the Paris Agreement … the U.S. pays $100 billion a year … while China, India and Russia pay little to nothing.”

8 That ignores … China’s production is our production China’s pollution is our pollution (smog & CO2) Go to a Big Box store to buy something not from China. Just try. Multinational Corporations didn’t cut CO2 and other pollution; they exported it. Along with millions of jobs that Republicans claim to care about.

9 Mr. Pico on the Paris Accord
“The accord is not meant to save the Earth but to crush freedom. It is a power-grab on an international level, a heavy shackle upon free people, … it is a step toward a one-world socialist government. Climate change is a vehicle for control.” OMG! “one-world socialism”!

10 A Clue about Economic and Political Problems
There are issues at EVERY level: Local Regional National World We must address them at each level without FEAR of a word.

11 Yes, indoctrination … of this true Denier.
Mr. Pico: Global Warming “Ideological subversion is a way to seize power through indoctrination and persuasion, until people willingly hand over their freedom.” Yes, indoctrination … of this true Denier. Freedom is about "individual freedom.“ … and about “freedom from system failure”. There’s no “freedom” in destroying Life on Earth

12 Displays Ignorance of Economic Systems vs Political Systems
No economic system (not communism or socialism or capitalism) is mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution is about our Governing System, not our Economic System. Views about dreaded socialism conflate them. What's obvious from history: any economic system can become dictatorial absent a strong democracy.

13 The “Free Market”, “Invisible Hand” God has Failures & Weaknesses
Understanding economics requires understanding them negative externalities, tragedy of the commons, positive externalities, inelasticities, long delays, path dependence, adverse selection, escalation, the attractiveness principle, Monopoly/oligopoly (& monopsony) effects on competition, game theory, Net Present Value (NPV) calculations, and cost-benefit analysis. It’s not OMG! “dreaded SOCIALISM” to counter these failures to “promote the general Welfare”.

14 Emergent Properties! Result: Individually-logical decisions can be collectively irrational.  Systems do not behave like the individuals who compose them. Libertarians and “conservatives Do Not understand this Fact of Life.

15 NOW! For Childrens’ Futures
This is Serious, We must act: NOW! For Childrens’ Futures


17 Ignorance of Economics
Many policies that some call "socialist" are not really socialist at all. They're pragmatic to address failures and weaknesses of "free market" capitalism They’re necessary for preventing system failures. It’s not OMG! “dreaded SOCIALISM” to do what actually works to “promote the general Welfare”.

18 Capitalism Run Amok Kills

19 “Free Trade” Jobs Lost National & Colorado Springs Promoted Mainly by Republicans See the Votes: Republican Trade Treachery IT Natl -27% Mfg Natl -34% IT Cos -54% Mfg Cos -54%

20 Sound Extreme? Well, I’m not kidding.
Denial of this threat is malevolence on a planetary scale. It’s not HOAX

21 Bill Maher: "America's real religion is capitalism
Bill Maher: "America's real religion is capitalism. And like any religion, it needs a devil. And that devil has always been socialism."

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