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Programming The singles fellowship at Trinity Covenant Church has a Bible study on Sunday night. The first night I went, people said they hoped I’d come.

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Presentation on theme: "Programming The singles fellowship at Trinity Covenant Church has a Bible study on Sunday night. The first night I went, people said they hoped I’d come."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming The singles fellowship at Trinity Covenant Church has a Bible study on Sunday night. The first night I went, people said they hoped I’d come again. I said “That depends on you because I paid $21 to get here and can’t afford to pay that regularly.” Someone took on the role of coordinator and worked out a driver for each month. Now I have honest-to-goodness participation in my church. —Catherine D. Ludlum, That All May Worship

2 Part of the Team Self-contained
Exclusive Inclusive Self-contained Example: Sunday school classroom for children with autism Mainstreamed Example: Including children with autism into a Sunday school classroom with typically developing peers

3 Age-Appropriate Programming
Adults with Disabilities are Still Adults

4 Age-Appropriate Programming
If he’s six, he needs to be surrounded by other six-year- olds so he’ll learn how to be six. Keeping him with four- year-olds will only encourage him to remain like a four- year-old. Developmental Age vs. Chronological Age By Kathie Snow

5 When hosting or holding events in your church
Things to Consider When hosting or holding events in your church

6 Did you think about… Time of Day Communication Techniques
Getting ready for the day Driving at night Communication Techniques Accessible PowerPoint presentations Using a microphone Accessibility Issues Can you get in, do what you need to do, and get out? Accessible entrances and exits Accessible restrooms

7 Including persons with disabilities in out-of-church events
I Want to Canoe Too! Including persons with disabilities in out-of-church events

8 I Can Ski Too! Many activities such as skiing, roller skating, and camping can be enjoyed by people with disabilities. Make sure people with disabilities feel welcome to join the group. Start by asking them if they would like to go on the float trip. Follow up with questions about how to make the trip successful.

9 The Worship Experience
Church attendance is lower for people with disabilities. 59% of people without disabilities attend church at least once a month. Only 49% of people with disabilities attend church at least once a month. —Harris Survey of Americans with Disabilities, 1994

10 The Use of Metaphors …we need to become more aware of how the language we use in worship can unintentionally alienate some of our brothers and sisters. Our common use of metaphors that equate lack of faith, compassion, or understanding with blindness, deafness, or paralysis is not the most insightful way to proclaim the good news to people who live with such impairments. Can we find other metaphors to express more accurately what we are trying to say? —Massachusetts and Rhode Island Council of Churches, 2001

11 Worshiping with a Disability
LEADER: Lord, how awesome it is that we can gather here today and loudly sing praises to your name, and know that we are standing in your presence! PEOPLE: Lord, I can’t stand. I use a wheelchair and there is no place for my chair. LEADER: It really is great, Lord, that we are able to hear you speak to us through the proclamation of the word this morning! PEOPLE: I’m sorry, God. I didn’t hear what was said.

12 LEADER: And, Lord, it’s so fantastic to be able to read your Word along with the pastor, and to recite the creeds and litanies. PEOPLE: This morning my vision is dim, God. I cannot read the bulletin. LEADER: Lord, we really feel blessed that we understand everything that is happening around us in the church in this hour. PEOPLE: God, why do I learn so much slower than others, and must feel, week after week, that I do not really belong here? ALL: Open us, O God. Make us accessible to your Spirit, and accessible to all your people.

13 Through the Roof Mark 2:3-11 What is this story really about?
Who is this story really about? When this passage comes up in the liturgy, what is the focus of the story?

14 Using the Back Door Where do ushers and greeters stand before services? Where do ministers stand after services to greet congregants? Where is the accessible entrance to the sanctuary located?

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