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Unit 8b: The World at war Test: Tuesday, 04 April.

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1 Unit 8b: The World at war Test: Tuesday, 04 April

2 Learning Targets I can analyze the evolution of conflict between revolutionaries and nationalists before, during and after World War I. Russia – revolution results in a totalitarian state (14.1 & 2) China – nationalist uprisings result in a civil war and the rise of a communist state (14.3 & 17.2) India – nationalist uprisings led to limited self-rule and eventually independence (14.4 & 18.1)

3 Terms/Concepts to Know
Bolsheviks V. I. Lenin Soviets Leon Trotsky War communism NEP (New Economic Policy) Josef Stalin Totalitarianism Collectivization Great Purges Five-year Plans Kuomintang Sun Yixian May Fourth Movement Mao Zedong Jiang Jieshi Long March “Great Leap Forward” Cultural Revolution Civil disobedience Mohandas K. Gandhi Salt March Congress Party Muslim League Muhammed Ali Jinnah Partition Jawaharlal Nehru

4 Making Sense of the twentieth century
1922 Soviet Union WWI s Great Depression WWII Cold War 1917 – Russian Revolution – Stalin in power

5 Making Sense of the twentieth century
WWI s Great Depression WWII Cold War 1930 – Salt March 1885 – India National Congress 1947 – Independence & Partition

6 Making Sense of the twentieth century
WWI s Great Depression WWII Cold War 1930s – Civil War 1911 – Qing Dynasty over 1949 – Communist state

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