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Topic 3 The Revolution Era

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1 Topic 3 The Revolution Era
JEOPARDY Topic 3 The Revolution Era

2 French & Indian War Tension with Britain Colonists React 200 400 600
Independence The Revolutionary War 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 What is the Ohio River Valley?
French & Indian War:200 200 Answer The disputed area in North America was where the French and Indian War was fought. Question What is the Ohio River Valley?

4 Question Answer: What is Fort Necessity? 400 French & Indian War:400
The quickly built fort that Washington and his troops used to fight off a French counterattack in the French and Indian War. Question What is Fort Necessity?

5 What was the Treaty of Paris (1763)
French & Indian War:600 600 Answer The official end of the French and Indian War resulted in an agreement to hand over control of North America to the British Empire. Question What was the Treaty of Paris (1763)

6 What was the Albany Plan of Union?
French & Indian War:800 800 Answer An attempt by Benjamin Franklin to organize and create one general government for the British colonies. Question What was the Albany Plan of Union?

7 French & Indian War:1000 1000 Answer The city that was vital to the defense of New France that supplied the French forts up the St. Lawrence River. Question What is Quebec?

8 What is Mercantilism? Tension: 200 200 Answer
The economic policy which states a country must export more goods than it imports in order to make a financial gain. Question What is Mercantilism?

9 What is the Proclamation of 1763?
Tension: 400 400 Answer An imaginary line drawn down the Appalachian Mountains that forbid the colonists from settling west of this designated line. Question What is the Proclamation of 1763?

10 Tension: 600 600 Answer This British Act was passed in 1765 by Parliament to tax all legal documents. Question What is the Stamp Act?

11 What were the Intolerable Acts?
Tension: 800 800 Answer The four laws passed by Parliament in 1774 as a way to punish the colonists in Boston for their actions with Boston Tea Party. Question What were the Intolerable Acts?

12 What are Writs of Assistance?
Tension: 1000 1000 Answer This legal British document allowed British officers to inspect a ship’s cargo without giving reason. Question What are Writs of Assistance?

13 What is the Boston Tea Party?
Reaction: 200 200 Answer A colonial act of civil disobedience in reaction to the Tea Act. Question What is the Boston Tea Party?

14 What was the Boston Massacre?
Reaction: 400 400 Answer An unfortunate event that happened on March 5th 1770 just outside the Boston customs house which resulted in the British soldiers shooting five colonists. Question What was the Boston Massacre?

15 Who were the Patriots? Colonists who favored the war against Britain.
600 Reaction: 600 Answer Colonists who favored the war against Britain. Question Who were the Patriots?

16 Who was George Washington?
Reaction: 800 800 Answer The first commander of the Continental Army. Question Who was George Washington?

17 What is the First Continental Congress?
Reaction: 1000 1000 Answer In September of 1774 colonial leaders from 12 colonies met to establish unity in the colonies and to organize a boycott against British Goods. Question What is the First Continental Congress?

18 What is the Declaration of Independence?
200 Answer The document adopted by the First Continental Congress on July 4th 1776. Question What is the Declaration of Independence?

19 What are the inalienable rights?
Independence: 400 400 Answer The natural rights that the Declaration of Independence state the government is responsible to protect. Question What are the inalienable rights?

20 What was Common Sense? 600 Answer
Independence: 600 600 Answer The pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in which he set out to change the colonists’ attitude against Britain. Question What was Common Sense?

21 Independence: 800 800 Answer Colonists who opposed the War against Britain and supported the King. Question Who were the Loyalists?

22 Independence: 1000 1000 Answer The Introduction of the Declaration of Independence that defines Human Rights. Question What is the Preamble?

23 What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?
WAR: 200 200 Answer The first major battle of the Revolutionary War. Question What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?

24 What were the mercenary troops?
WAR: 400 400 Answer King George III of England used foreign troops from Germany to help fight the war against the colonists. Question What were the mercenary troops?

25 What was the Battle of Saratoga?
WAR: 600 600 Answer The American victory that was a major turning point in the Revolutionary War. Question What was the Battle of Saratoga?

26 What was the Treaty of Paris?
WAR: 800 800 Answer It was this agreement in 1783 that Britain finally recognized the American colonies as an independent nation known and the Unites States. Question What was the Treaty of Paris?

27 What is Valley Forge? 1000 Answer
WAR: 1000 1000 Answer It was here that the strong American Spirit demonstrated when the troops overcame poor weather conditions. Question What is Valley Forge?

28 Who was Nathan Hale? 5000 Answer
Bonus Question: pts. 5000 Answer The young American patriot who was captured by the British was quoted as saying “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” as he walked to the gallows. Question Who was Nathan Hale?

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