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Greek Mythology Review

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1 Greek Mythology Review

2 Overthrew Uranus and became ruler of Mount Olympus
Kronos Overthrew Uranus and became ruler of Mount Olympus

3 The lord of the underworld and the god of the dead
Hades The lord of the underworld and the god of the dead

4 Daedalus ________ was gossiped about in Athens because he pushed someone off a cliff

5 Ariadne _________ played with mechanical dolls made by Daedalus when she was little.

6 _______ angered Gaea by imprisoning her children
Uranus _______ angered Gaea by imprisoning her children

7 King Minos My wife gave birth to a half-man/half-bull baby. I don’t like to talk about it.

8 Icarus Son of Daedalus

9 My husband is also my son.
Gaea My husband is also my son.

10 I am emptiness; everything came out of me
Chaos I am emptiness; everything came out of me

11 This inventor designed and built the labyrinth.
Daedalus This inventor designed and built the labyrinth.

12 Rhea I’m not the smartest mom; I allowed my husband to swallow most of my kids.

13 Icarus Ignoring his father’s advice, he flew too close to the sun and perished.

14 Kronos swallowed a stone instead of swallowing me
Zeus Kronos swallowed a stone instead of swallowing me

15 Call to Adventure In this stage of the Hero’s Journey, the hero receives a calling, a challenge, or a quest, and begins his adventure

16 Minotaur Half-bull/half-man

17 Hero The chief character in a literary work, typically one whose admirable qualities or noble deeds arouse admiration

18 Where did the minotaur live?
Labyrinth Where did the minotaur live?

19 A cup symbolic of a person’s fate or destiny would be an example of
Image archetype A cup symbolic of a person’s fate or destiny would be an example of

20 Return Home In this stage of the hero’s journey, the hero returns to the ordinary world, but he has gained new strength and wisdom

21 Myth A traditional story that deals with goddesses, gods, heroes, and supernatural

22 Characters that are common across cultures and throughout the world.
Character Archetypes Characters that are common across cultures and throughout the world.

23 Oral Tradition If a story is a part of ___________, it would most likely be passed between generations by word of mouth.

24 I made the roads into Athens safe for travelers.
Theseus I made the roads into Athens safe for travelers.

25 A white sail King Aegeus asks Theseus to use _____________ as a signal of his victory against Minos?

26 I liked my pet turtle a lot until it ate me as a snack.
Sciron I liked my pet turtle a lot until it ate me as a snack.

27 Midas I have the golden touch.

28 I am thrilled to discover that Theseus has my secret sword.
King Aegeus I am thrilled to discover that Theseus has my secret sword.

29 Sinis I am the “pine bender.”

30 Procrustes I was strapped to my own torture bed before my legs and head were chopped off.

31 _______ completed the 12 labors.
Hercules _______ completed the 12 labors.

32 I am the godly father of Theseus
Poseidon I am the godly father of Theseus

33 Remove the sword and sandals from the stone
What did Theseus have to do in order to move to Athens and claim his right as heir?


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