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Back on Course Understanding early exit from university: is dropping-out a positive transition? Kitty Chilcott David Johnstone.

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Presentation on theme: "Back on Course Understanding early exit from university: is dropping-out a positive transition? Kitty Chilcott David Johnstone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back on Course Understanding early exit from university: is dropping-out a positive transition? Kitty Chilcott David Johnstone

2 Back on Course Back in Course is a free, impartial information, advice and guidance service for early-leavers from full-time undergraduate higher education, and research project into the factors contributing to early exit.

3 Background Scottish Government strategic priority Concern about the number of students leaving HE early 2012 – SFC Launched 2013

4 Aims HE sector partnership and robust system of data sharing Proactive contact National IAG service tailored to the individual leaver Practical personalised feedback and advice Research with early leavers

5 Contacting leavers: the importance of proactive contact
Unknown service 5 attempts Hard to reach 6,688 contact details 589 completed surveys 259 IAG sessions

6 Information advice and guidance (IAG)
No sector wide provision once a person had left HE Free and impartial service At a time that suits leaver As many sessions as needed

7 No other research with leavers
Increase awareness of early-leavers’ perspectives on and experiences of early exit Improve understanding of factors contributing to early-exit Research

8 Research questions Why students leave university early? What more can universities do to help students through this transition?

9 Reasons for choosing and leaving HEI

10 Reasons for leaving HEI

11 IAG on exit 65% sought advice from more than one source 35% none
35% tutor/lecturer 40% Friends/family 31% university services

12 Attainments 60% no qualification 42% none 12% unsure 6% did not answer

13 Reflections Learning from early exit experience Returning to HE Realisation that HE was not right for them

14 ‘I was so glad to hear about Back on Course
‘I was so glad to hear about Back on Course. I thought people like me were forgotten about. I didn’t think I would be able to go back to university, I thought you got one chance and that was it. I did two years of animal biology even though I knew it wasn’t for me. I chose it because I thought it was the sensible thing to do. What I really want to do is teach. I would love to go back to university” Danni, Edinburgh

15 Contact Back on Course Scotland Phone: Web:

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