How to Create Static and Animated PowerPoint Slides

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1 How to Create Static and Animated PowerPoint Slides
and Export them to the WWW To create a slide, just invoke PowerPoint and Click on FILE > New and (usually) select a blank presentation To insert text, click on INSERT > Text Box To Insert an image, click on Insert > Picture (e.g., click art)

2 To create a new slide and add information to it you:
Click on INSERT > New Slide Then add text, pictures or drawings as usual. Movement to slides is controlled by double arrow pointers Click on the “up” double pointer to move to a previous slide Click on the “down” double pointer to move to the next slide The double pointers are near the right lower edge of the screen

3 To animate a picture you do this:
Use INSERT > Picture to import a picture Click on SLIDE SHOW > Custom Animation Click on the Timing Tab and set Animate and “On Mouse Click” Click on the Effects Tab and set “Swivel” and “Drum Roll” Use defaults for “Chart Effects” and “Play Settings” To test it, click on the picture and Select SLIDE SHOW > Animation Preview Click with the mouse below to see the animation

4 Now is the time for all Add an Existing PowerPoint Slide
To add an existing PowerPoint Slide to the presentation you: Click on INSERT > Slides From Files Click on Browse and select the right PPT file Click on Display, then Insert All, and then Close In the case below, we have an animated text slide where we have chosen these options from the SLIDE SHOW > Custom Animation: Effects: Fly-from-bottom-left, and Chime Introduce Text: By Letter Click the mouse to see the animation Now is the time for all

5 Animating a Chart Charts have their own special form of animation. You select SLIDE SHOW > Custom Animation as usual and set the usual Timing Effects (Animate, On Mouse Click), but you select Chart Effects as follows: Introduce Chart Elements: By Category Entry Animation and Sound: Blinds Horizontal, Cash Register

6 Saving Slides to HTML You can save entire static and animated multi-slide PowerPoint presentations very easily. You click on FILE > Save as HTML which opens up a fairly long series of menus which you move through with the Next button until you click on Finish. The particular sequence I use (after I do a FILE > Save) is: Click on FILE > Save as HTML Select New Layout Select Standard (not Frames) Select GIF (static slides) or PowerPoint animation (animated slides) Select 1280 x 1024 and 1/2 width screen Supply your login name and your home page (starting with Select Download original presentation Specify browser colors, button style, and button location Specify the folder to receive the file and click on Finish Next page

7 Saving Slides to HTML When you finish the FILE > Save as HTML sequence, it creates a folder in the directory that you specified with the same name as the PowerPoint presentation, only without the “.ppt” extension.. Exit PowerPoint, and double-click on that folder and you will see a file named index.htm. Simply drag that file onto any IE 4 window to see the slide presentation. If your presentation contains only static files, then click on the text: Click here to start and you can navigate through the slides by clicking on the movement control buttons. If your presentation contains sounds and animation, click on Download presentation source and use mouse clicks to navigate and initiate animation. Next page

8 Saving Slides to HTML You can also easily publish this to a web server, such as Weber. Do this: Create a sub-directory in your public_html directory on weber Use WS-FTP in binary to transfer all of the files from your PC to that sub-directory in public_html Create a link from your main index.html in public_html to the file index.htm in the new directory. For example, if your new directory is named “Slides”, include the string <A HREF=“Slides/index.htm”>My Slides </A> in your index.html in public_html on Weber

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