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The church and Salvation

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Presentation on theme: "The church and Salvation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The church and Salvation

2 Often asked Questions Does one have to be a member of the church to be saved? Will only members of the church of Christ be saved?

3 Why are these questions asked
Some out of prejudice Some due to ignorance Members sometimes guilty: Speak of “church of Christ” preacher or “church of Christ” doctrine Some sincerely desire to know These are the ones we seek to answer in this lesson

4 Does one have to be a member of the church to be saved?
Some view salvation & church membership as 2 separate things Speak of “getting saved & joining church” Acts 2:36-47 Ephesians 1:22,23; 5:23

5 Will only members of the church of Christ be saved?
Matthew 16:18 Acts 20:28 1 Peter 1:18, 19 Romans 6:3, 4; To be His church we must abide in His teaching – 2 John 9 To be a member of any denomination one must go beyond His teaching

6 What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Hear the gospel (Romans 10:17) Believe Jesus is Christ (Acts 8:37) Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30) Confess your faith (Matthew 10:32) Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) Walk by faith in newness of life (Romans 6:4)

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