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Welcome to Year 3 “Meet the Teacher” meeting

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1 Welcome to Year 3 “Meet the Teacher” meeting
Year 3 team are: Mrs Katherine Ruhl – Class Teacher Mrs Angela Highlands– Teaching Assistant Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best that we can be.

2 Our Timetable

3 What your child will be taught
Autumn term topics Literacy – Exploring poems, writing and performing plays, limericks and fables, writing recounts. Maths – Wide range of topics including place value (2 + 3 digit numbers, timetables and using number bond facts for mental arithmetic. RE- The Christian Family. Mary Mother of God. Topic – Stone Age to Iron Age Science – Rocks and Soils. Forces and Magnets ICT – E-safety PE – Invasion games and Gymnastics

4 Year Group Expectations
Foundations and building up

5 Home Learning Expectations
Reading – 10 minutes every night. Books changed at school once per week. Spelling – sent out on Wednesday to be learnt by the following Wednesday. Homework grid – You don’t have to bring in the folder every week. How you can support learning – regular time, quiet area, talking about learning, growth mindset

6 Class Routines P.E: Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons
Need full PE kit in school all week. PPA cover – Mrs Louise Pugh Wednesday mornings PE, French, ICT

7 Growth Mindsets




11 Do you have any skills/ideas you could share?
Parent Helpers I will be asking for you kind assistance at certain times throughout the year such as for: Art Cooking Local walks School Trips Will send a letter out with the children with details. Do you have any skills/ideas you could share?

12 Concerns/questions Aim to resolve by working in partnership with parents. In first instance class teacher (before 8.50 am or at end of school day – note Wednesday is staff meeting day). Can book appointment via office to see teacher at another time If not available or not resolved then member of Senior Leadership Team: FS - Mrs Tucker KS1 – Mrs Letts KS2 - Ms McBride Inclusion - Mrs Letts and Ms McBride Please avoid voicing concerns on Facebook or other social media.

13 Any Questions?

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