After learning about NAFTA the last two days, do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Why? Warm Up.

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Presentation on theme: "After learning about NAFTA the last two days, do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Why? Warm Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 After learning about NAFTA the last two days, do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Why?
Warm Up

2 Mexico-United States Free Trade Conference
Role Play Simulation

3 Content Objective I will be able to explain what role the NAFTA treaty plays in globalization and how it has impacted the American economy. This means that I will be able to examine my role in the NAFTA debate in a letter to my peers.

4 Key Vocabulary Globalization NAFTA Tariff Corporation Chapter 11
Article 27 Maquiladora

5 The question is: What barriers and for whom?
Every year, the U.S. government spends huge sums building and policing barriers between the United States and Mexico. But the intent of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is to pull down barriers between the United States and Mexico. You will be role playing one of the most important international agreements in recent years.

6 Tasks before we debate Read about your role Summary of your role
Spiral pages 67-68, to be done today/Thursday Group questions Spiral page 70, to be done Thursday Pros/Cons of NAFTA based on your group One per group on a separate paper, to be done Friday Monologue for your group Friends/Enemies organizer One per group on a separate paper, to be done Monday Practice your arguments To be done Tuesday

7 Copy this chart onto page 67 & 68
Paragraphs Summary 1 2 3…

8 Groups Maquiladora Worker, Tijuana, Mexico
Green Garden Corporation Executive, U.S.A Poor Farmer, Chiapas, Mexico Martin’s Jeans Worker, U.S.A. Prosperous Farmer, Northern Mexico U.S.-Mexican Environmental Justice Coalition USA*NAFTA Coalition

9 Task On bottom of page 68, write your NAFTA Role Summary on the top
After reading each paragraph, fill in your chart for that paragraph writing a 1-2 sentence summary for EACH paragraph describing what it is about. Some paragraphs are longer than others – you may need 2 sentences for those long ones This summary will be somewhere between 6-13 sentences You will also need to identify at least 3 unfamiliar terms in your reading Those will be circled or underlined on the handout

10 In a 10 word GIST or less, summarize your role for this debate.
Warm Up

11 Mexico-United States Free Trade Conference
Role Play Simulation

12 Content Objective I will be able to explain what role the NAFTA treaty plays in globalization and how it has impacted the American economy. This means that I will be able to examine my role in the NAFTA debate in a letter to my peers.

13 Key Vocabulary Globalization NAFTA Tariff Corporation Chapter 11
Article 27 Maquiladora

14 Tasks before we debate Summary of your role Group questions
Spiral pages 67-68, to be done TODAY Group questions Spiral page 70, to be done TODAY Pros/Cons of NAFTA based on your group One per group on a separate paper, to be done Friday Monologue for your group Friends/Enemies organizer One per group on a separate paper, to be done Monday Practice your arguments To be done Tuesday

15 After Reading Your Roles Reflection
On pg 70 of your spiral, read through your questions and answer them in complete sentences

16 Pro/ Cons T-Chart Based on your groups role, what is good about NAFTA (pros) and what is bad about NAFTA (cons)? Complete a T-Chart with your groups responses

17 Intro Monologue Answer the following questions in paragraph form (you will do one of these per group): Who you are? What is good about your job? What about NAFTA do you like? What about NAFTA concerns you? If you add or make a law about NAFTA, what would it be? Why?

18 In a 10 word GIST or less, summarize your role for this debate.
Warm Up

19 Mexico-United States Free Trade Conference
Role Play Simulation

20 Content Objective I will be able to explain what role the NAFTA treaty plays in globalization and how it has impacted the American economy. This means that I will be able to examine my role in the NAFTA debate in a letter to my peers.

21 Mexico- United States Free Trade Conference Questions
As a group, please answer the following 5 questions for the debate

22 Group Pro/ Con Chart Groups Pros towards NAFTA Cons towards NAFTA
Maquiladora Worker, Tijuana, Mexico Green Garden Corporation Executive, U.S.A Poor Farmer, Chiapas, Mexico Martin’s Jeans Worker, U.S.A. Prosperous Farmer, Northern Mexico U.S.-Mexican Environmental Justice Coalition USA*NAFTA Coalition Group Pro/ Con Chart

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