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Procedures for the Technical Work
Organizational Structure and Responsibilities for the Technical Work
INTRODUCTION OIC – ORGANIZATION OF ISLAMIC COOPERATION COMCEC – STANDING COMMITTEE FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION strengthen the economic and commercial cooperation increase the economic and commercial capacity of the member countries SMIIC Building quality infrastructure amongst members STANDARDS ARE ONE OF THE KEY AREAS OF COMCEC, SMIIC IS IMPORTANT FOR ECONOMY
WHAT IS A STANDARD? A document established by CONSENSUS,
Approved by a recognized body, Contributed by its stakeholders, For common and repeated use, Voluntary. A DOCUMENT WHICH DEFINES THE MUSTS OF A PRODUCT OR SERVICE OR A PROCESS
STANDARDIZATION The activity of establishing standards
The necessary process for ensuring effectiveness in any product/service INTRODUCTION
STANDARDIZATION Standards are not developed by the standardization organization itself. Standardization is handled by various TECHNICAL COMMITTEES (TCs).
Department under SMIIC General Secretariat Responsible for the overall management of the technical work
TECHNICAL COMITTEES key bodies that drive the standardization process comprise of experts from the member organizations a completely voluntary effort TCs ARE THE KEY BODIES IN THE STANDARDIZATION PROCESS
TECHNICAL COMITTEES Technical decision making body with
a precise title, a scope, and a work programme. Acts in accordance with an agreed business plan THE DEVELOPMENT AND SYSTEMATIC MAINTENANCE OF THE OIC/SMIIC STANDARDS WITHIN A PARTICULAR SCOPE OF WORK
TECHNICAL COMMITTEES A chairman A secretary
Delegates from members (P and O Members) and liaison organizations Experts Invited observers
P-MEMBERS SMIIC Member Bodies who actively participate in the technical work of the TC have an obligation to vote in all official ballots related to the work of the committee may appoint experts for working groups
P-MEMBERS Can be represented by delegations from member bodies at a meeting or through a contact person (by correspondance) may transfer the contribution of their national stakeholders via its national committees to a TC work
O-Members SMIIC Members, SMIIC Observer Members and OIC Member States can be O-Members and ; follow the work as an observer, have right to attend the meetings and receive committee documents, can submit comments
Secretariat is at the service of the members of the committee
TC SECRETARIAT, has the responsibility for providing technical and administrative services to a TC. continuous supervision of the structure of the committee Secretariat is at the service of the members of the committee
TC SECRETARY, is the person appointed by the secretariat
a good organizer and has ability for technical and administrative work familiar with SMIIC documents (Directives, Statute, Rules of Procedure…etc.) should have sufficient knowledge of English and/or French, and/or Arabic
CHAIRMAN is responsible for the overall management of that TC
acts in a purely intra-OIC capacity divests himself/herself of a national position guide the secretary of that TC or SC in carrying out his or her duty
CHAIRMAN has the task of steering the committee towards that consensus and recognizing when it has been reached. The chairman of a TC is responsible for the overall management of that TC
EXPERTS WORKING GROUP may comprised of 5-15 experts from P-members and liaison organizations has a convenor is established for working on specific task of a TC. For example when preparing a working draft of a standard nominated by a member body or a liaison organisation when a new project is approved. are normally assigned to a working group associated with a project
Liaisons (representatives): if deemed necessary by TC
manufacturer associations, commercial associations, industrial organizations, user groups professional and scientific societies, Etc. Can make technical contribution to the standardization work at TC, SC or WG level
Development process of OIC/SMIIC Standards
Warning – All the following is based on the rules stated in the most recent version of the SMIIC Directives.
Project Approach OIC/SMIIC Standards are developed on the basis of a project approach by TCs A project is any work intended to lead to the issue of a new, amended or revised OIC/SMIIC Standard
Programme of work the sum of all projects running under the scope of a TC The agreed programme of work of a new TC shall be submitted to the Standardization Department for approval
Project Leader usually the originator of the new work item proposal (NP) the person appointed by TC responsible for the overall management of a project from the proposal stage to the publishing stage. could be a Working Group convenor, a designated expert or, if appropriate, the secretary
Project Leader Act in pure intra-OIC capacity divesting himself/herself of a national point of view should be prepared to act as consultant, when required, regarding technical matters arising The Person responsible for the progress of the project
New work
Proposals for new activities
Proposals can aim at: New committees New standards Revisions of existing standards
Main principles Justification Is there a real need?
Who will benefit or be affected? Is it globally relevant?
New Technical Committee
TC SC Standardization Department MB Possible proposers for a new TC International Organization Certification body Ask them the question: who can make a proposal ? SMIIC General Secretariat
New Technical Committee
Once a TC is established and its secretariat is allocated, it has to if appropirate, determine and arrange necessary liaisons, agree on its scope and title by correspondance or at the first meeting to be submitted to the standardization department for approval start the work for its business plan, Proposal circulated by SMIIC General Secretariat to all MBs asking if they Support the establishment of the new TC Intend to participate actively Proposals are approved if Simple majority of the MBs voting approve At least 5 national bodies participate actively (as a P-member) Standardization Department(SD) then formally establishes the TC and allocates the TC secretariat to a Member Body SD. Approves the final scope and title of the TC .
What would you do? QUESTION
As a secretary you are asked by a new staff member in your NSB what information needs to be provided when proposing the establishment of a new SMIIC technical committee.
What would you do QUESTION
As a secretary you are asked by a new staff member in your NSB what information needs to be provided when proposing the establishment of a new SMIIC technical committee. ANSWER Title and scope Proposed work programme Justification Stakeholders The scope shall precisely define the limits of the field of activity. Scopes shall not repeat general aims and principles governing the work of the organization but shall indicate the specific area concerned. Dir 1: 1.3.4
New work item proposal – NP
In established committees All new projects Committee Internal Ballot mandatory
NP fully justified and properly documented
NP procedure NP fully justified and properly documented Very robust information showing the market relevance of proposals Positive votes from P-members come with a statement about the YES Experts must be named For secretaries: you have 2 weeks after the end of the ballot to review the justifications (and name of expert) => in case of doubts, contact the voters asking for better explanation of the need for this standard. Dir 1: 2.3
NP approval criteria Simple majority of P-members voting
4 Member Bodies to participate actively Experts must be NAMED to count towards the approval Minimum number of named experts must come from P-members voting positively MB have to register experts in the GD Dir 1: 2.3.4
Revisions and Amendments
Resolution containing target dates confirmation of scope (scope has not changed) convenor or project leader Call for experts NWIP stage not required for the revision or amendment of an existing standard, a TS or a PAS Clause 2.3.1
Case study OVERLAP IN THE SCOPE – WHAT SHOULD I DO? A NP is submitted to you by a P-member of your committee. In reviewing the scope you realize that there seems to be an overlap with a project which is already ongoing in a WG. There is no draft in addition to the NP Form These are possible answers. They might be other suggestions. The idea is to have them initiate discussion, find solution and no go through the TMB.
Case study OVERLAP IN THE SCOPE – WHAT SHOULD I DO? Contact the P-member and explain the situation Suggest to adjust the scope of NP to avoid overlap Suggest to work with the WG and send an expert After discussion if no solution can be found, contact to SD
Main stages in standards development
The stages Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30)
3 months by default 5 months ballot Proposal stage (10) ٭ Enquiry stage (40) Publication stage (60) Preliminary stage (00) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Approval stage (50) 2 months by default 3 or 4 months possible 2 months ballot Standards are developed from 3 to 6 stages ٭ Committee resolution sufficient for a Revision or an Amendment (if no change of scope is planned) MANDATORY OPTIONAL
00 - Preliminary stage Not sufficiently mature to process
Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 00 - Preliminary stage Not sufficiently mature to process But if the committee wants to record it It is future work New work item vote required to activate it PWI automatically deleted from the programme of work after 3 years
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 10 – Proposal stage The Project leader is usually assigned by the originator of the proposal NP (New Work Item Proposal Form) + draft 3-months ballot New Work Item registered by SMIIC SD (via General Secretariat) CIB only TC informs SD about the new project with agreed target dates for registration
20 - Preparatory stage (WD)
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 20 - Preparatory stage (WD) In Working Groups One of the main consensus building stages First & subsequent WDs prepared May not be needed if there is a good draft Ends when project is registered as a CD Membership to the Council is open to all member bodies and rotates to make sure it is representative of the member community. X
30 - Committee Draft stage (CD)
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 30 - Committee Draft stage (CD) With proposal & action taken on each comment CD circulated by secretary 2-months ballot 3 or 4 months possible Comments compiled To be circulated within 4 months Stage ends when DIS is delivered to ISO CS Reminder on how to skip the CD might be useful: Proposed by WG and PL Confirmed by a committee decision (1 month CIB or at a meeting) Dir 1: 2.5
Question QUESTION What are the possible options after a CD ballot?
What are the possible options after a CD ballot? ANSWER Discuss the CD and comments at the next meeting Circulate a revised CD for consideration – 2nd CD Register the committee draft for the DS stage
40 – Enquiry Stage (DS) Every project must pass one public review
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 40 – Enquiry Stage (DS) SMIIC Members Every project must pass one public review For circulation outside the committee to all SMIIC MBs DS is circulated for vote by SD via SMIIC GS All votes & comments are sent to SD DIS is circulated for vote from ISO CS in English and eventually in French.
Administration of DS Vote starts Balloters submit national votes
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) Administration of DS Vote starts Balloters submit national votes PDF uploaded on SMIIC IS Balloting Portal Notification to balloters Vote ends Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Ballot
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 40 – Enquiry Stage (DS) Results & comments are sent to the committee secretariat Secretary compiles & circulates to committee members Main experts review the comments Draft updated accordingly Secretary submits text & forms to SD for final stage Which forms?
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) DIS approved DEFAULT PATH NO technical changes Technical changes Publication FDS 2-month ballot Approval Criteria Two-thirds majority votes casted by P-Members in favor Not more than one-quarter of the total number of votes cast are negative FDIS approval = 2/3 majority of the P members in the TC/SC that vote + no more than ¼ of all votes cast are negative For VA harmonized: If CEN assessment positive at DIS, possibility to skip FDIS. Publication
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 50 – Approval Approval Criteria: Explicit votes: positive,negative, abstention Two-thirds majority votes casted by P-Members in favor (no comments with positive vote) Not more than one-quarter of the total number of votes cast are negative (negative without technical reasons are not counted DS meets the necessary approval criteria + no technical changes: The default is to skip the FDS and proceed to publication If technical changes: FDS required SD circulates the FDS (2 months) to all Member Bodies approval of 2/3 of the P members in the TC/SC that vote & not more than ¼ of all votes cast are negative For VA harmonized: If CEN assessment positive at DIS, possibility to skip FDIS.
Preliminary stage (00) Proposal stage (10) Preparatory stage (20) Committee stage (30) Enquiry stage (40) Approval stage (50) Publication stage (60) 60 - Publication SMIIC GS prepares the document for publication SMIIC GS takes into account editorial comments on FDS Made available through SMIIC GS & SMIIC Member Bodies Secretaries should respond to: A simple list of changes is all we need – not a new word file. And that this is not the time to rewrite the document, redo figures, etc.
Comparing development process for an OIC/SMIIC Standard
6 stages Action Balloting time Default path Shortest path 1 3-month ballot by default NP NP Straight to DS Proposal NP Proposal to start a new project 2 Preparatory WD * Expert consensus within working group WD 3 2-month ballot by default 3 or 4 month vote possible Can be skipped CommitteeCD Committee consensus CD 4 24 months to reach DS 12 months to reach DS Enquiry DS National consensus 5-month ballot 5 Skipped by default 2-month ballot Approval FDS * YES or NO vote FDS 6 OIC/SMIIC Standard Up to 36 months OIC/SMIIC Down to 9 months OIC/SMIIC Publication SD Admin. * OPTIONAL TC Sec. Admin. (CIB)
Time frames
Time frames Standards have to be delivered on time!
Stakeholder expectations / expert resources Set at the start Choice 2, 3 or 4 years Serious delays = actions!
Time frames for standards
At start of project, choose Track 1 = Accelerated = 24 months Track 2 = Default = 36 months Track 3 = Enlarged = 48 months
Question QUESTION When does the clock start counting the standards development time?
Answer Clock starts when: New Project has been approved
SMIIC SD registers as active Stage or above if directly registered as a CD or DS
Target Dates/Limit dates for default use
Limit dates apply to the date for the DS and of the Publication availability of WD (if not supplied with the proposal): 6 months; availability of CD: 12 months; availability of DS: 24 months; (limit) availability of approval draft: 33 months; availability of published standard: 36 months (limit).
Approval and voting
1st aim - Consensus General agreement
characterized by the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments Sufficient time is required before the approval stage for the discussion, negotiation and resolution of significant technical disagreements. Dir 1: 2.5.6
Approval & voting Criteria to move to the next project stage:
For each stage the committee or MBs needs to approve P-members are obliged to vote SMIIC MBs have to approve at least at DS-stage One member body = One vote All SMIIC Member Bodies can vote
Approval & voting NWIP CD DS WD 3-month vote 2-month vote 5-month vote
simple majority of P-members NWIP 3-month vote consensus no averaging of positions 4 P-Member Bodies active participation experts nominated by members but they act in personal capacity WD No vote or support from 2/3 of voting P-members CD 2-month vote 2/3 majority of voting P-members no more than ¼ all votes cast are negative abstentions are not counted negative votes are only counted if they are accompanied by technical reasons DS 5-month vote FDS 2-month vote
Other types of deliverables
Other deliverables Technical Specification - TS Technical Report - TR
Normative Informative No requirements Consensus in a committee 2/3 of P-members approval voting Good when you can’t get to an OIC/SMIIC Standard Good when committee has collected relevant information e.g. test results Review after 3 years Max life = 6 years (recommended) No life limit Conversion into a standard is possible for PAS and TS
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