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Presentation on theme: "Frameworks."— Presentation transcript:

1 frameworks

2 Software framework provides skeleton of an application that can be customized If it is too general, doesn’t give you enough help If it is too tailored, not enough applicability

3 Some of the Elements you need to cover

4 frameworks server client JAVASCRIPT CSS Dart (itvs) PHP Java
Zend Java GWT (110) SPRING (museum) Heroku (coding) C# .net Ruby Rails (caterpillars) Python Django (Grad) Flask (writing) Javascript Node.js (go) Sails (grd) JAVASCRIPT Angular (Med Dash) iOnic (wage) React (med 360) Jquery (monikos) Electron (live) CSS Yaml Blueprint Dart (itvs)

5 Multiple frameworks? Do they really cover different aspects?
do they work together? If you don’t see anyone else who has done it…

6 Node.js Promise of a single language
Ability to move code between client and server Javascript: world’s most misunderstood language?

7 How important is node.js?

8 How to decide Explore the potentials Know the problem and requirements
Know the team Know the talent pool features: ide, setup, build, deployment, testing, maintenance, security, scalability community

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