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District 4 Nominating Committee Area workshops, 2017

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1 District 4 Nominating Committee Area workshops, 2017
YOUR LEADERSHIP District 4 Nominating Committee Area workshops, 2017


3 You will be electing Governor Lt. Governor Treasurer 6 Area Directors
Nominating Committee

4 Role of Governor The Governor shall administer the affairs of the district. shall share in planning the district conference program attend area meetings supervise the preparation of the district budget appoint committee chairs and other positions

5 Lt. Governor The Lt. Governor shall perform such duties as assigned by the Governor. The Lt. Governor shall be chairman of the District Membership Committee.

6 Area Director Each Area Director shall attend district conferences, plan area meetings, visit clubs and act as a liaison between the clubs and the district board.

7 Treasurer The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the district and shall administer them in accordance with the approved district budget.

8 Nominating Committee Nominating Committee will provide the official slate for conference Nominate qualified candidates for each office and 5 candidates for the Nominating Committee

9 What our leaders have said…
For the most part in my professional life I have always worked alone, no team or group work. Being on the board has given me the experience of working with others for a common goal. It is certainly a team effort that embodies success in our District. Have you thought about taking the next step in your Zonta life? Would you like to learn more about leadership: public speaking, conducting meetings, governance, and decision making? Perhaps you would like to work with diverse groups, build relationships with Zonta members from both Canada and the USA and develop strong friendships with other Zonta leaders.

10 Words from our leaders! Service in Zonta is truly a very rewarding experience. I would recommend you let your name stand for a position in leadership. This was an extraordinary leadership and learning experience. Through being Area Director I met other women I greatly admire and many of whom have become life-long friends.  I am so glad I said YES to serving in this role.

11 What did I get from this experience?
Mostly, and surprisingly, I have felt a sense of real joy and gratitude seeing women, some of whom may have needed a small nudge, go on to be extremely  successful fulfilling these important leadership roles.  women that I would assess as being very capable are so very hesitant to take on some of these roles and so perhaps mentioning something about pushing boundaries or going outside one’s comfort zone might help nudge people to take on a challenge.

12 Consider taking the next steps
Are you willing and able to learn; to communicate; to share your appreciation of Zonta’s mission, have passion? Qualifications (Bylaw Article XVII, Section 6, Officers) (a) Descriptions and application forms are on the D4 website Please consider saying YES Each elected officer shall be a classified member of a club, shall have served at least two (2) years in an elected club office and/or have been a district committee chairman. The governor, lieutenant governor and area directors shall have served at least one (1) year as club president. An elected officer shall hold no other elected position at district level.

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