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Chapter 8 - Greece Section 2.

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1 Chapter 8 - Greece Section 2

2 Socrates Philosopher that believed in absolute truth.
Used a teaching style called the Socratic method. Questions are used to get students to arrive at their own answers. Was killed by the Athenians after the war with Sparta.

3 Plato Greek philosopher. Student of Socrates.
Believed in an ideal government: Needed a Philosopher king. (Common people could not think for themselves.) Needed warriors to protect the city. Needed workers to provide the necessities. He distrusted a Democracy.

4 Aristotle Greek philosopher Student of Plato
Aristotle divided governments into three types: Monarchy – one person rules Oligarchy – a few people rule Democracy – many people rule Aristotle believed that the best gov’t had some features of all three.

5 Herodotus Greek historian Wrote a history of the Persian war.
Believed that the gods played a role in warfare. Interviewed people about the war. Believed that he made up some of the interviews. Considered the father of history.

6 Thucydides Greek historian.
He was an Athenian general in the war with Sparta. He wrote about the war. Didn’t believe that the gods were involved in the outcome of the war. He tried to be impartial. Only interviewed eyewitnesses.

7 Hippocrates Greek physician Considered the father of medicine.
Believed that disease came from natural causes, not evil spirits. Created the Hippocratic oath: Set of rules for doctors Doctors should do their best to help patients. Protect a patients privacy.

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