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2 Standards Describe the geological manifestations of plate tectonics, such as earthquakes Describe the impact of plate motions on societies and the environment Describe how waves are used for practical purposes (e.g., seismic data) Examine investigations of current interest in science

3 Major Earthquakes in History
The following are just a few of many notable earthquakes through history

4 1811: New Madrid Missouri Magnitude 7.5
Large areas sank into the earth New lakes were formed The Mississippi River changed its course and even flowed backward Sand blows (geysers) occurred, can still see remnants today

5 1906: San Francisco Felt from southern Oregon to south of Los Angeles and inland to central Nevada Estimated magnitude of 7.8 >3000 killed Massive fires

6 San Francisco Burning Photo:

7 Aerial View of San Francisco from balloon
Photo: %201906%20view%20from%20balloon.jpg

8 Photo: http://www. eas. slu. edu/Earthquake_Center/1906EQ/sanfran/m031

9 San Francisco Financial District

10 1985: Mexico City Magnitude 8.1
Epicenter 350 km away off Pacific coast Shaking lasted 3 – 4 minutes Collapse of poorly constructed buildings Liquefaction of soils under city ~10,000 killed

11 Mexico City Photo:

12 Mexico City Photo:

13 1960: Valdivia, Chile Largest earthquake ever recorded Magnitude 9.5
Caused tsunamis in many parts of the Pacific, including Hilo, Hawaii 1,655 people killed

14 2004: Sumatra EQ and Indian Ocean Tsunami
Magnitude 9.2 Rupture continued for 9 minutes & moved 1300 km along a thrust fault – the longest single fault break ever recorded Resulted in tsunamis that killed 300,000 on Sumatra, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Maldive Islands and Somalia

15 Banda Aceh Pre-Tsunami June 23, 2004
Banda Aceh Post-Tsunami December 28, 2004 Photos: baird/en_html/indian_ocean/ indianocean.html

16 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Thailand Photo: http://en. wikipedia

17 Original Photo from John Thompson taken on December 26, 2004 in Khao Lak

18 2008: Eastern Sichuan, China
Magnitude 7.9 Schools and hospitals collapsed ~70,000 killed ~18,000 missing Strong aftershocks and landslides May have been triggered by dam holding 315 million tons of water

19 Photo:

20 Photo: http://www. telegraph. co

21 2010: Haiti Earthquake Magnitude 7.0 ~212,000 killed
~ 1 million homeless Major damage to city of Port-au-Prince

22 Photo: http://image3. examiner. com/images/blog/EXID12837/images/haiti

23 Photo:
uk/telegraph/multimedia/ archive/01558/presidential- palac_ i.jpg

24 2011: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Magnitude 9.0 earthquake Rupture along thrust fault at the subduction zone between the Pacific & N. American plates Fault moved upwards by m (this is 98 to 131 feet!) and slip occurred over an area 300 km long Foreshocks occurred over 2 days preceding the quake (a M 7.2 and 3 greater than M 6 on same day) Several aftershocks have occurred, many over a M 6

25 2011: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Resulting 30 ft tsunami swept through many coastal regions of Japan, reaching as far as 6 mi inland 13,116 people killed, 14,377 missing Caused failure of nuclear power plant All following photos from unless otherwise noted

26 Collapsed House_SukagawaCity,Fukushima

27 JapanEQ_SplitRoad_SacrementoBee

28 TsunamiSwirl_Oarai,Ibaraki_3-11-11

29 JapanTsunami_Iwanuma, Miyagi_3-11-11

30 JapanTsunami_Natori_3-11-11

31 Japan Tsunami_SendaiAirport_3-11-11

32 JapanTsunami_

33 JapanTsunami_HousesSweptToSea_NatoriCity_3-11-11

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