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Respiratory System Chapter 5.

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1 Respiratory System Chapter 5

2 Identify Basic Respiratory Tract Components

3 Nasal Passages Mouth & Nostrils Provides opening for air to enter.
Mucus covered epithelium filters air. Large surface area brings air to body temp.

4 Pharynx Common area shared by nose and mouth. Food and air enter.

5 Larynx Cartilage structure at the opening to the major airway.
Ensure food is not inhaled. Can be palpated at top of neck.

6 Glottis Opening to trachea. Protected by cartilage flap - epiglottis.

7 Trachea Major airway. Series of cartilage rings joined by connective tissue. Rigid tube that allows for movement.

8 Trachea

9 Bronchi Large airways that branch into lungs. Singular = bronchus

10 Bronchiole Smaller airways that branch from the bronchi.
Walls contain smooth muscle that opens or closes airways. Irritants cause constriction while physical exertion causes dilation.

11 Alveoli Branches of bronchioles.
Microscopic lung pouches where gas exchange occurs. Oxygenates blood and removes CO2.

12 Lungs

13 Pleura smooth epithelium covering lungs and lining thorax
small amount of fluid in this space provides lubrication

14 List and Discuss the Function and Control of Breathing

15 Inspiration Air being taken into lungs.
External intercostals contract to raise ribs. Diaphragm contracts forcing itself into abdomen.

16 Expiration Removal of air from lungs.
External intercostals relax to lower ribs. Diaphragm relaxes and arches forward. Elastic tissue recoils and drives out air.

17 Respiration Brain controls normal RR.
Temperature, body demands and O2 influence RR. Breathing is involuntary; can be voluntarily controlled.

18 Discuss Clinical Significance

19 Cyanosis blue colored mucous membranes
indicates inadequate O2 delivery

20 Pneumonia Inflammation of the lungs by bacterial or viral infection.
Cells and tissue fluid accumulate in alveoli.

21 Roaring condition where horses develop a problem with the vocal folds failing to open

22 Heaves prolonged exposure to dust and molds cause accumulation of mucus and leukocytes within bronchioles (equines)

23 Bronchodilators medications to aid in opening the airways

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