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How Did Hitler Come to Power?

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1 How Did Hitler Come to Power?

2 In order to fully understand how Hitler come into power, it helps to know the conditions in Germany after WWI, between 1918 and There were FOUR main reasons why conditions were perfect for a leader like Hitler to take power.

3 #1 Economic Inflation Germany borrowed a good deal of money for the war instead of taxing its people, leaving a huge debt for the country. Germany had to print a great deal of money to begin paying off these debts (300 paper mills printing 24 hrs a day.) This caused the prices of goods and services to rise astronomically.

4 #1 Economic Inflation In 1922, 300 marks would buy an American dollar.
In 1923, 50,000 marks would buy the same American dollar. Soon it would take billions of marks just to buy a stamp. People actually pushed around wheelbarrows full of money.




8 #1 Economic Inflation A lifetime of savings became worthless in a matter of weeks. People began to barter and trade goods instead of using money.

9 #2 Political Instability
After WWI Germany had more than 12 political parties. Because everyone was so divided, none of the parties were strong enough to take control and point the country in a specific direction. The 3 main groups amongst these parties were the Communists, the Social Democrats, and the National Socialists.

10 #2 Political Instability
The National Socials (Nazis) wanted: A gov. run by the army and the wealthy Industry that was privately owned Increased military power No democracy Restrictions on foreigners and Jews because it was felt that they were responsible for Germany’s problems.

11 #3 The Treaty of Versailles
The leaders of America, the UK, and France led the discussions of this treaty in 1919. Each of the countries that defeated Germany wanted different things to happen in the aftermath. This led to a great number of restrictions and punishments for the Germans.

12 #3 The Treaty of Versailles
Reparations – Germany had to pay other countries for their losses in the war, specifically the UK and France. Loss of territory – Germany lost a great deal of territory that bordered France. Demilitarization – Strict limitations on the armed forces (no air force, no tanks, no submarines.)

13 #4 Depression/Unemployment
Americans and others would no longer buy German goods. Banks would not lend money to Germany in order to rebuild. France and the UK placed large tariffs on German goods. Up to 30% of Germans became unemployed

14 #4 Depression/Unemployment
People were getting arrested just so they could get something to eat. Some people lived in forests and farmers had to defend their crops from hungry citizens with weapons.


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