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We generally think of soil from the ground up

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Presentation on theme: "We generally think of soil from the ground up"— Presentation transcript:

1 We generally think of soil from the ground up
Soil as a medium for plant growth We eat plants or eat things that eat plants We need soil to eat

2 However, there is a parallel universe below us
The health and functioning of this universe is critical to the functioning of the world we see at the soil surface

3 Functioning of soil biota underground
Is critical for the ability of soils to support plant life This soil- biota- plant- predator continuum is integral to ecosystem functioning Life underground is also the most poorly understood component of this continuum

4 Value of ecosystem services
value ($trillion) soil 50 clean water 6 food etc. 2 genetic resources 2 Total ($60T) is about twice global GNP Single most valuable ecosystem Boumans et al Ecol. Econom. 41

5 Architecture & Biology
of soil Iain M Young

6 ~It is the habitat of all soil biota
Q] What is the structure of soil? Key characteristics: ~ It is the framework in and through which ALL soil process occur. ~ It exists in three dimensions. ~ It’s heterogeneous in space and time. ~It is the habitat of all soil biota

7 Life in Inner Space

8 The soil-plant-microbe interface:
There literally can be billions of individual organisms in a relatively small area. 1g of soil = c. 20m2 In 1 g of soil we have: c. 10,000 protozoa  7 x m2 c. 107 bacteria  4 x m2 c. 5 km fungi  1 x m2 5.5 x 10-4% of the total space is covered

9 World underground is likely as heterogeneous as the world at the surface
With similar population density

10 Soil as a microbe sees it

11 ‘Inner Space’.

12 Naked amoebae accessing small pores - shape changing 20 mm

13 Fungal hyphae Bridging soil Pores, Rhizotonia solani seeking roots

FEED-FORWARD FEED-BACK BIOTIC ACTIVITY SOIL ARCHITECTURE “We can no more manufacture soil with a tank of chemicals than we can invent a rain forest or create a single bird” Worster 1993

15 Soil water and microbes
CO2 will move 1cm in 1 day in this system. Pores full of water Pores emptying Pores empty CO2 will move 1cm in less than 1 hour in this system. Complexity of pore-scale structure allows air and water can coexist in soil – a vital fact for sustaining life The relative proportion determines most key rate processes in soil Only a tiny fraction of the soil pore space will contain active microbes.

16 Impact of biota on moisture release curve
Matric potential (- cm) Volumetric moisture content (%) R.solani Sterile Root surfactant

17 Field-scale interactions between soil water
and soil microbes

18 Fine-scale porosity measurements
Zero day Unplanted Outer planted Inner planted Inner planted: Greater geostatistical range: ~ larger porosities ~ aggregate (non-random) structures: correlation length increases in presence of biota. Simulation model: Origin & Loss of fractal scaling: Crawford, Verral & Young (1998)

19 Soil microbes live to eat
Energy from organic substrates is primary source of food Aerobic and anaerobic reactions Can also get energy from chemical reactions Look at N cycle

20 Nitrogen basics In atmosphere N2 gas (77% of atmosphere)
N is the most limiting plant nutrient N can also be a primary contaminant in water systems

21 The N cycle

22 How does it go from atmosphere to soil?
Lightning N NO3 Bacterial associations

23 All transformations of N in soil are microbially mediated
Eating is the first step This is what happens when microbes eat SOM, they need N to use the C Mineral N to organic N Immobilization Organic N to NH4+ or NO3 - Mineralization

24 Energy, respiration reactions
NH4 + to NO3 - - nitrosimonas, nitrobacter Nitrification NO3- to gaseous N Denitrification Occurs in anaerobic environments Wetlands, soil microsites

25 Soil water and microbial processes
Nitrogen transformations are dependent significantly on the soil’s ability to hold water and allow gaseous transport Young & Ritz Soil & Till. Res.

26 For Nitrogen transformations
All are microbially mediated Which occur depend on local environmental conditions Local environmental conditions are also somewhat dependent on microbial populations

27 In general: If you want your soil to work for you
High microbial population is required for highly functional soil Food source- primarily organic matter- is requirement for high microbial population Microbes are ubiquitous- no need to seed, just feed

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