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CAP, CSB Study on Spatial and Temporal Variation of LURR

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Presentation on theme: "CAP, CSB Study on Spatial and Temporal Variation of LURR"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAP, CSB Study on Spatial and Temporal Variation of LURR
in Southern California and Its Implication to Earthquake Tendency in This Region Yongxian Zhang, Xiangchu Yin & Keyin Peng Center for Analysis and Prediction(CAP), China Seismological Bureau(CSB), Beijing , China ( phone ; fax: ). CAP, CSB

2 Outline About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC)
CAP, CSB About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC) Field Stress in SC Calculation of Y/Yc Variation of Y/Yc before Some Strong Earthquakes in SC Earthquake Tendency in SC Discussion

3 LURR—Load/Unload Response Ratio
Put forward by Prof. Xiangchu Yin in 1987 - Yin X.C.(1987), A new approach to earthquake prediction, Earthquake Research in China, 3,1-7(in Chinese with English abstract) Basis: The seismogenic process is nonlinear and irreversible so that the response to loading is different from that to unloading. Y=X+/X X+-- response rate under loading condition X--- response rate under unloading condition Y--LURR

4 How to calculate LURR? 1. Find a easy way to calculate LURR
Where E denotes AE energy; “+” means loading “–” means unloading. m=1, Em is exactly the energy itself; m=1/2, Em denotes the Benioff strain; m=0, ∑Em denotes the number of events. --Xiang-Chu Yin, et al.(2000), Pure and applied Geophysics,157(2000),

5 How to calculate LURR? 2. Criteria to Judge loading and unloading
Loading--the rate of Coulomb failure stress is positive. Unloading-- the rate of Coulomb failure stress is negative. --Xiang-Chu Yin, et al.(2000), Pure and applied Geophysics,157(2000), -normal stress -shear stress -coefficient of internal friction

6 Obtaining high confident LURR?
Y(LURR) is sensitive to the number of earthquakes, when Y is greater than the critical value(Yc), the confidence of Y Anomaly is higher. N Yc(90%) Yc(95%) Yc(99%) …… --Zhuang and Yin(1999), Earthquake research in China, 15( ). So we express the LURR by Y/Yc. When Y/Yc is greater than 1, the anomaly of LURR is confident.

7 Outline About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC)
CAP, CSB About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC) Field Stress in SC Calculation of Y/Yc Variation of Y/Yc before Some Strong Earthquakes in SC Earthquake Tendency in SC Discussion

8 understanding of California's fault system
understanding of California's fault system. The 1994 Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas by Charles W. Jennings (available from the California

9 CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN REGION dominated primarily by
northwest-trending , generally of a right-lateral strike-slip nature

every kind of fault type can be found here.

11 MOJAVE REGION, dominated by northwest-trending,
right-lateral strike-slip faults

12 BASIN AND RANGE REGION characterized by roughly north-south trending valleys and mountain ranges, bounded typically by normal faults

13 NORTHWEST REGION dominantly a region of reverse faulting, but faults of every sort can be found on this map

14 Outline About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC)
CAP, CSB About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC) Field Stress in SC Calculation of Y/Yc Variation of Y/Yc before Some Strong Earthquakes in SC Earthquake Tendency in SC Discussion

15 Tectonic Stress of America

16 Outline About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC)
CAP, CSB About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC) Field Stress in SC Calculation of Y/Yc Variation of Y/Yc before Strong Earthquakes in SC Earthquake Tendency in SC Discussion

17 1. Division of Southern California
X Z A2 NC02 NC04 NC01 NC03 T W Q A1 R Y1 SC08 NC07 S SC11 P O SC09 SC05 M N SC06 K L SC04 SC03 C E I D SC10 J SC01 H B SC02 A F1 G F

18 Determine the limit magnitude of earthquakes
Earthquake Catalogue: from CNSS

19 SC01 ML: Gutenberg-Richter relation

20 Scaning parameters: Temporal window: 12 months Time moving step: month Spatial window: R=100km Space moving window: Nmin=20 R

21 Outline About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC)
CAP, CSB About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC) Field Stress in SC Calculation of Y/Yc Variation of Y/Yc before Some Strong Earthquakes in SC Earthquake Tendency in SC Discussion

22 1980-2001 M>=6.5 in California Loma Prieta Coalinga Hecter Mine
Northridge Landers Superstition Hills

23 For 1983-05-02 Coalinga 6.7 earthquake






29 For 1987-11-24 Superstition Hills 6.6 earthquake






35 For 1989-10-18 Loma Prieta 7.0 earthquake
California: An Interpretive History , by James Rawls and Walton Bean, 7th edition (McGraw-Hill, 1998). The Elusive Eden: A New History of California , by Rice, Bullough, and Richard Orsi, 2nd edition (McGraw-Hill, 1996). Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography , by Robert Christopherson, 3rd edition, (Prentice-Hall, 1997).






41 For 1992-6-28 Landers 7.3 earthquake




45 For 1994-1-17 Northridge 6.6 earthquake
On January 17,1994 the most expensive earthquake in the United States, a 6.7, hit Southern California. It was caused by a deeply buried thrust fault 11 miles underground, beneath the San Fernando Valley.




49 For 1999-10-16 Hector Mine 7.1 earthquake




53 Remarks Future earthquake located near region of anomalous Y/Yc.
Date Epicenter Magnitude/ (km) Max Y/Yc Lasting Time of anomalous Y/Yc Coalinga 6.7/? ? Superstition Hills 6.6/0 1.4 21m Loma Prieta 7.0/100 1.2 24m Landers 7.3/100 1.0 18m Northridge 6.6/80 25m Hector Mine 7.1/100 15m Remarks Future earthquake located near region of anomalous Y/Yc. Anomalous Y/Yc lasts about 1-2 years before upcoming earthquake.

54 Outline About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC)
CAP, CSB About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC) Field Stress in SC Calculation of Y/Yc Variation of Y/Yc before Some Strong Earthquakes in SC Earthquake Tendency in SC Discussion









63 Earthquake Tendency in Southern California
There might be moderate earthquake about 5 around (36N, 119W) and (36N, 121.6W) within about 1 year. The results also show that there are no LURR anomalies in other regions, which implicates that there is less strong earthquake hazard in Southern California in the near future.

64 Outline About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC)
CAP, CSB About LURR Fault System in Southern California(SC) Field Stress in SC Calculation of Y/Yc Variation of Y/Yc before Some Strong Earthquakes in SC Earthquake Tendency in SC Discussion

65 Discussion LURR is a promising approach to mid-term earthquake
prediction. However, calculation of LURR depends on high quality earthquake catalogue and other data. Up to now, we can not give an exact earthquake prediction by LURR, but an approximate one. For earthquakes greater than 6.5 in Southern California, the size of anomalous LURR are among km, which might imply the seismogenic region size. In addition, evolution of anomalous LURR is complex.

66 Acknowledgements QUAKES NSFC(Grant , ) CNSS, SCEC

67 SC02 ML:

68 SC03 ML:

69 SC04 ML:

70 SC05 ML:

71 SC06 ML:

72 SC07 ML:

73 SC08 ML:

74 SC09 ML:

75 SC10 ML:

76 SC11 ML:

77 Tangshan

78 zhangjiakou Ml:4.7

79 zhangbei 5.6

80 zhangbei 5.6

81 zhangbei 5.6

82 zhangbei 5.6

83 zhangbei 5.6

84 zhangbei 5.6

85 zhangbei 5.6

86 hunyuan Ml:4.6

87 hunyuan Ml:4.6

88 hunyuan Ml:4.6

89 considering the influence of random
factors on LURR.

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