The Writing Process.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process

2 Five Stages of the Writing Process
Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing Publishing

3 Prewriting Think, Think, Think… Who is my audience?
My classmates, teacher, a community member, a younger student… Do they have any knowledge of my topic? Will I need to provide background knowledge? What is my purpose? Am I writing to provide information, to persuade, to find out information, or to tell a story?

4 Prewriting Think, Think, Think… What do I want to say?
What are the requirements that I have to have? Do I need to research information to complete my writing? How do I want to say it? Am I writing a letter, creating a book or PowerPoint, an essay… What graphic organizer will I use? Brainstorm ideas on a piece of paper, create a web, put the information into a Venn Diagram…

5 Prewriting Sample of a Web

6 Prewriting Sample of a Venn Diagram

7 Prewriting You may create your own graphic organizer or choose and print one from the websites below. Education Place Teachnology Write Design Online Teacher Vision Curry School

8 Drafting Write it down… Are my thoughts organized?
Do I stick with the same idea throughout my writing? Do I know what order I want to say things in? Which ideas do I want to develop? On your prewriting identify the ideas which you must use, might use, and will not use. Do not cross anything out. You may decide at a later time to use it. What ideas should I develop further?

9 Drafting Write it down… In what order do I want to say my ideas?
On your prewriting, number your thoughts or ideas. Place them in the order that would make the most logical sense. If you are dealing with time, make sure they are in chronological order. Did I skip lines? This will allow room for yourself and others to make corrections. Did I label everything? My name is on the page and all pages have a page numbers.

10 Revising Improve your writing… Are my details clear?
Are my words descriptive? Did I use repetitive words? Should I add or take out parts? Do I need to explain more? Is there something missing that I should include? Is my writing in a sensible order? Does my writing need to be in time order? Does the information need to be presented in a way that is easy for others to follow?

11 Revising Improve your writing… Have I used the best ideas or words?
Am I showing others that I know what I am writing about? Have I used the best examples or words to describe my ideas or thoughts? Is my writing in a sensible order? Does my writing need to be in time order? Does the information need to be presented in a way that is easy for others to follow?

12 Editing Correct your work… Have I used complete sentences?
All of my thoughts are complete. There are no run-ons. Are my language conventions correct? Spelling Capitalization and punctuation Grammar Have I used editing marks to make corrections? Remember to look in your writing folder if you forgot what to use.

13 Editing Correct your work…
Have I had at least two people edit my paper? Choose two people in the classroom, that are on the editing stage. If no one is, you may choose to look over your work again. Editing others work… Make sure to check for the same items you did when editing your own work. Check for complete sentences, check the language conventions, and use a correction codefor corrections.

14 Editing Sp Wrong spelling WO Wrong word order VF Wrong form of verb
WF Wrong form of word Pr Wrong preposition WW Wrong word C Wrong collocation A Article error / Missing word // Start new paragraph here ? Meaning or handwriting unclear !! You should know what’s wrong here

15 Publishing Get ready to share… Did I do my best work?
Did I include a title (if needed)? Is my final copy neat? Should I illustrate the pages? You may use the computer to create this or draw your own. Do I need a title page with illustrations? Should I read it out loud?

16 Publishing Handing it in… What order does my work go in? Final Copy
Any Drafts (Please label these pages with DRAFT at the top). Prewriting Rubric

17 Keeping a record

18 Possible Extensions What can I do after writing?
Read your work to a classmate. Write a reflection about what you will do differently or the same the next time you write. Decide if you want to publish your work online Start a new writing piece.

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