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Dr. Sarah Colby, Nutrition Department

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Sarah Colby, Nutrition Department"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Sarah Colby, Nutrition Department

2 Project Overview Surveys [Due Nov. 1st]
Environmental Audits [Due Nov. 1st] Meeting with health-related organization leaders (3) [Due Sept. 20th, Jan. 20th, & Feb 28th] Town Hall Meeting (1) [Due Feb. 14th] Meeting with administrators (1) [Due March 15th] Health promotion activities (at least 4) Market health and health-related activities on social media (at least 1/week) Ripple Mapping Focus Groups (2) [Due May 10th] Online progress reports (3)

3 Fall Assessments- Surveys
Survey link will be sent by August Same survey link for everyone at your school Main link is for anyone- students, faculty, or staff Not only for freshmen Separate link for readiness and priorities only for administrators

4 Survey Content IRB Sample document Concerns Adding optional questions
Adding your own questions Time requirements Concerns Wording adjusted to read college or university Does not apply added for sleeping on campus

5 Survey Distribution & Completion
Distribution- s, flyers, school website, classes, etc. At least 50 More is better Can come back and completed the survey must be from the same computer/browser End of survey options

6 Data Securely stored at UT
Fall cleaned, de-identified data will be shared with your site January goal

7 Environmental Assessments
Training available 8/1 Internet training lesson Practice with provided tools/forms Take short quiz Time requirement estimates

8 Social Marketing Weekly fall to spring Health related events on campus
Health messages Visual available on website

9 Intervention Activities
Costumed Characters Teams Games and Competition Videos & Photos Art- visual, theater, dance, Be Creative

10 Optional Peer Mentoring
Online training available Matching survey available Upperclassmen

11 Optional Wellness Class
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Identify and discuss the health needs and issues of college freshmen Describe evidence-based approaches to health living Develop, implement and evaluate their own personal wellness goals and plans Identify campus resources for health LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: online and/or in-person, and on campus activities Weekly online modules and feedback Log weekly goals and feedback on the previous week’s goal Log physical activity Take Fruved survey and receive “Wellness Report Card” Weekly discussion boards or weekly class discussions about the week’s topic Attend at least three health related events on campus

12 Partnership for a Healthier America Healthier Campus Initiative (PHA/HCI)
Guidelines Available Surveys parallel with guidelines Options Dietary Physical activity Built environment Option to join PHA/HCI

13 Advocacy for Policy & Environmental Change
Fall Meet with organization Leaders Spring Receive reports and materials Meet with other campus leaders again Town Hall meeting Advocate for environmental change

14 Spring Assessments Surveys will be automatically sent back out
Two focus groups (Ripple Mapping) Two people required to conduct the focus groups Online training

15 Funding No indirects allowed August Flexible Check
No other paperwork or reporting required Flexible Includes travel USDA restrictions T-shirts marketing material

16 Communication Kerri Martin- Liaison- Fall optional
Recordings of Webinars are available at-


18 Questions?

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