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Wendy Davis Dip Carbon Management, Swinburne University, Melbourne

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1 Wendy Davis Dip Carbon Management, Swinburne University, Melbourne
MBA (executive), Harvard Business School, Boston M Ad Ed (adult workplace education), UTS, Sydney B App Sci (medical microbiologist), RMIT, Melbourne

2 Facilities – protecting your assets and minimising hospital/facility acquired infection

3 Learning outcomes – Health Facilities
At the end of this session you will be able to… Systematically identify areas of High infection control requirements High and medium horizontal impact risk & understand why this is critical

4 Learning outcomes – Health Facilities
At the end of this session you will be able to… Design interiors to Withstand the daily inundation of collisions Minimise the opportunity for hospital/facility acquired infections & understand why this is critical and how they are related

5 Learning outcomes – Health Facilities
At the end of this session you will be able to… Apply a cost benefit approach to design materials Discuss the impact financial and other of hospital acquired infection Justify reduced operational costs vs capex At the end of this session you will be able to… Apply a cost benefit model to the selection of design materials Including recurring maintenance/replacement costs Be able to discuss the financial impact of hospital acquired infections Justify the use of products that reduce yearly/ongoing maintenance (operational costs) when discussing capital expenditure budgets. & understand why this is critical

6 Importance of high infection control requirements.
Hospital - acquired = nosocomial INFECTIONS Pertaining to or originating in a hospital The most common complication affecting patients in hospital Unnecessary pain and suffering for patients and families Prolong hospital stays Costly to the health system Accessed Dec 2015

7 Challenges Normal bacteria - ‘hospital’ strains of
bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics “ensure consistent cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in close proximity to the patient and those likely to be touched by the patient, staff and visitors” Accessed Dec 2015 Not only hospitals, clinics, but communal living situations, retirement villages, schools (often more aggressive viruses/bacteria) Normal bacteria – become disease forming in some compromised patients Staff (and visitors) – carry ‘hospital’ strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics Viral spread eg EBOLA Infections can occur in ANY health care setting On of the four or five things you can do is… ensure consistent cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in close proximity to the patient and those likely to be touched by the patient, staff and visitors


9 You might have heard of these…
MRSA, Golden Staph, MRSE (MR = methicillin resistant) VRE Clostridium difficile MRO (M = multi) SARS, Ebola Aspergillus Gastro. causing viruses – Norovirus Evolving influenza virus Ebola has been around since at least the 70’s in other parts of Africa Norovirus – typically cruise ship type outbreaks. Clostridium difficile – antibiotic treatments Aspergillus – swimmers ear, or surfers ear (one type) and others in damp building environments.

10 Hospital acquired infections
200,000 reported in Australia in 2010 (very under reported) People die

11 Source of infectious agent
Chain of infection Susceptible person Source of infectious agent Mode of transmission

12 Risk of infection (http://www. nhmrc. gov
Risk of infection ( accessed 2 Mar 2016 Now give them the plans and use yellow for areas of high infection concern (international color for infectious material). Suggest they go for the areas of High risk first and foremost. Extra oral just means outside the mouth. Source URL (modified on 05/10/ :26): 2010/b4-1-taking-risk-managem After this one – do the activity !!!!!!!!! Need to change the color ideally for high health requirement - change to high risk of infection. From pink to yellow.

13 areas of high infection risk – see handout
Highlight in yellow, areas of high infection risk – see handout Now give them the plans and use yellow for areas of high infection concern (international color for infectious material). Suggest they go for the areas of High risk first and foremost. Review answers.

14 Minimise the opportunity for hospital acquired infections
Best protection against infection is intact skin Similarly best way to protect against bacteria/viruses in the environment is to minimise the opportunity for reservoirs Minimise cracks/damage/joins/pooling of water

15 Prince Henry Hospital Sydney,
Fairfield Hospital Melbourne E High chance of impact of trolleys/beds/ with walls and corners. High traffic. – plan 2.3 corridors surrounding theatre Passage from recovery to theatre. Private corridor in between single bed wards, including nurses station and service lift lobby quivalent ….. Royal Hobart…others in other states.


17 Design interiors to Minimise high and medium horizontal impact risk
Withstand collisions, scrapes, and scratches Use same plans as before. Use different color to highlight areas of high and medium horizontal impact risk. Review results. Using same plans – now identify areas requiring corner protection. Review results

18 Design interiors to Withstand collisions, scrapes and scratches.
Use same plans as before. Use different color to highlight areas of high and medium horizontal impact risk. Review results. Using same plans – now identify areas requiring corner protection. Review results

19 High impact high traffic areas

20 Review results. Check for accuracy.

21 CORNER Plan 2.3 Corner protection - remember we want to maintain the integrity of the “barrier”(just like skin). So doors to operating theatre particularly those within the isolated theatre space High visibility, and high use..patients in wheel chairs/wheeling drips etc.. This will be pretty easy to see when you walk around the existing facility – just look for the bumps and scratches. Find the high profile - high infection risk – high visibility to public. Obviously it would be easier to just do all…but cost effectiveness is important.

22 Nord Parisien Private Hospital - Sarcelles (95)
Need to include a couple of other pictures here – relevant to the state in which the training is taking place

23 flu-like human metapneumovirus (hMPV)
Families blame hospital for four deaths at Herberton, North Queensland January 30, :00amPeter MichaelThe Courier-Mail FAMILIES believe the botched handling of a sick patient is to blame for a deadly virus outbreak that “swept like wildfire” through an aged-care facility in far north Queensland. Four patients died and eight more were infected as the flu-like illness took a lethal stranglehold at the public hospital in Herberton, 90 minutes southwest of Cairns. Doctors, nurses, patients and family of victims spoken to by The Courier-Mail expect a top-level probe will reveal how “Patient Zero”, the index case, was not put into an ­isolation ward nearly three weeks ago. In a fatal mistake, it is understood a sick patient was transferred from another hospital and placed into a general ward with “very elderly, frail, and vulnerable patients in poorly ventilated rooms”, sources said.

24 Gastric flu outbreak spreads in Britain
Friday, Mar 4th 2016 Gastric flu outbreak spreads in Britain Britain is in the grip of a gastric flu outbreak which has spread from hospitals in Scotland to the south coast, health chiefs said today. Levels of the virus, which has already affected 12 hospitals in Scotland, are higher than those recorded in the past, said the Public Health Laboratory Service. The number of people struck down with the viral infection on hospital wards was today expected to rise amid reports of the bug in Manchester, Hertfordshire, Sussex, Dorset and Cornwall. There was also a similar case in Birmingham earlier this month. So far, Glasgow's Victoria Infirmary has been worst hit with 283 patients and staff hit by the illness. It has forced emergency admissions to the hospital to be diverted to the city's Southern General Hospital until further notice. To be updated with the most recent and most relevant HAI of the time per state.

25 How long do bacteria/viruses/fungi live outside of humans?
MRSA can survive for days to weeks on hard surfaces C.difficile has survived for 5 months Norovirus can survive for weeks or months Aspergillus Hand out from the National Health Services UK Ht Sources of high numbers of Aspergillus spores include air conditioning units, composting and damp or flood damaged housing & hospital building projects. tp:// do-bacteria-and-viruses-live-outside-the-body.aspx

26 Health care examples Airborne fungal spores eg. Aspergillus sp– indoor and outdoor sources in high-risk patients. Bird droppings, soil, contaminated fire proofing material, damp timber and plaster (particularly particle board) Building and maintenance activities disturb these reservoirs and can send millions of spores throughout the health care facility • Surfaces near infected patients quickly become contaminated, creating numerous reservoirs that can transfer pathogens to patients and staff. • Screening for MROs or specific pathogens is effective but results may not be available on admission; placing MRO colonised/infected patients with non-colonised /infected patients in

27 Example Construction related Nosocomial infections for Hospitalized patients: Decreasing the Risk of Aspergillus, Legionella and Other Infections cites 25 outbreaks of nosocomial Aspergillus sp infections over 20 year period, 106 deaths. These deaths were either suspected or confirmed as being caused by construction activity Canada Communicable Disease Report July This is not a lot of deaths in the scheme of things. Reality is these are rarely looked at in a lot of detail. Not routinely screened for in patients, disease is slow onset. There is monitoring for fungal spores that take place but it is a lag indicator. The horse is bolted. As our health care becomes become more Currently some studies underway in the USA regarding the fine particles and aerosols from buffing floors – particularly for cleaning staff and respiratory illnesses. Building works are a recognised source of Aspergillus sp related nosocomial infections.2 The Health Canada publication Constructionrelated Nosocomial Infections for Hospitalized Patients: Decreasing the Risk of Aspergillus, Legionella and Other Infections cites 25 outbreaks of nosocomial Aspergillus sp infections over a twenty year period resulting in 106 deaths. These deaths were either suspected or confirmed as being caused by construction activity.

28 National Health and Medical Research Council – 2010 accessed on line Feb 2015


30 How is this playing out in health - USA
Oct 2008 Medicare decline payments for 8 conditions that could be avoided if “the hospital followed preventative procedure or common sense precautions”. 3 of these are Hospital Acquired Infections

31 Infection prevention This responsibility applies to everybody working and visiting a healthcare facility, including administrators, staff, patients and carers. Successful approaches for preventing and reducing harms arising from HAIs involve applying a risk-management framework to manage ‘human’ and ‘system’ factors associated with the transmission of infectious agents.

32 2009 figures 2 million bed days lost to the health service in AUSTRALIA per year due to . Need to reference – check with opening information

33 2009 2 million bed days per year in Australia lost to Hospital Acquired Infection

34 So what? Direct effects during hospital stay Increase length of stay Diagnosis and treatment cost increase After discharge from hospital Health – care services used more intensively Pharmaceuticals required to treat infection Indirect effects Patient/carers miss out on normal productive activities Reputation of hospital damaged Risk of litigation

35 Apply a cost benefit model to the selection of design materials
Cost of poor aesthetics - priceless?/missed opp/’bad press’ Cost of wall repair? /Disruption of normal usage?/ how many hospital administrators does it take to repair a wall…involvement of engineer, tradesperson, nursing unit manager, operations manager, ward staff, environmental services staff, patients, visitors, clinicians… How frequently do they paint? Should they paint? What’s the cost? Cost to the community of increased chance of hospital acquired infection

36 Impact of overall infection rates of 1% on bed availability (days) ( ) Graves, Nicholas and Halton, Kate A. and Paterson, Davis and Whitby, Michael (2009) The economic rationale for infection control in Australian hospitals. Healthcare Infection, 14 (3). pp Graves, Nicholas and Halton, Kate A. and Paterson, Davis and Whitby, Michael (2009) The economic rationale for infection control in Australian hospitals. Healthcare Infection, 14 (3). pp

37 What if we could decrease by 1%?
1% increase means loss of > 150,000 bed days nationally ( ) 1% decrease means increase of 150,000 bed days nationally AT LEAST Total Loss of approx. 2 million bed days nationally (2009) What is it in 2016?




41 Chipping and caps see circle

42 LHS poor RHS correct



45 s

46 QUIZ Multiple choice. 7 Questions.
Quiz to follow. Multiple choice. 7 Questions. The estimated number of bed days lost per year in Australia because of hospital acquired infection in 2009 is (choose one answer) 1500 days, days or 2 million days What is the direct and indirect effect of hospital acquired infections? Please tick the most appropriate answer. People die People suffer Increase use pharmaceuticals Increase cost of health care Increased financial cost of health Risk to reputation of hospital/facility Increased risk of litigation All of the above In the estimated impact of reducing the number of hospital acquired infections by 1% per year is an increase in bed days of 1,500, 15,000 or 150,000 What is the best way to protect against bacteria/viruses/fungi in the environment? Tick all that are correct. Minimise damage Minimise cracks Minimise joins Minimise areas that are difficult to clean Minimise pooling of water Minimise building activities Minimise maintenance activities How long can some infectious agents survive on hard surfaces? Tick the most appropriate answer. They can’t, they die rapidly after leaving the human body Bacteria have been known to survive for 5 months Architects designing health facilities need to be aware of the impact of hospital acquired infections because (tick those that are appropriate) Design has nothing to do with hospital acquired infection. Minimising opportunity for damage not only saves the facility money, it also assists patients to a healthy recovery. Once we design and the facility is built and commissioned, it is no longer our problem. Facilities that have constant repairs increase the risk to their patients, of hospital acquired infection Design impacts the ease of cleaning, directly impacting the possibility of hospital acquired infection. What has Gerflor developed that protects the facility from constant damage, and helps ensure hospital acquired infections are minimised? Tick all that are relevent Thermoforming, corner protection Full or partial wall protection Heat welding, Fully encapsulated door protection Specialist installation methods Packages to protect the entire facility from theatre to entrance

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